Advisor Toolkit

The Advisor Toolkit is designed for the Missouri State academic advising community as a tool to assist with Office of the Registrar-related functions. The Advisor Toolkit contains the following resources:

Semester Cycle Timelines-Advisor Focused

The following timeline documents have been developed to academic advisors in planning for the various advisor-related functions that occur during the academic semester. These timeline formats have the same information, but are provided in different formats in order to best support the way the advisor wishes to review the information.

Advisor Question Depository

The Advisor Question Depository is created from commonly asked advisor questions. Questions are grouped by topic. Anchor links are provided so you can quickly navigate to your topic of choice. If you have suggestions for additional content that may be helpful, please share your suggestion by emailing Content will be updated based as new advisor inquiries develop.

Additional Advisor Resources

These are links to other pre-existing pages outside of this resource that may be helpful as supplemental information.

Semester Cycle Timeline-Advisor Focused

Academic Semester Cycle for Advisors (General Layout)
This timeline is a general view to see the various functions that make up each semester of the academic year.

Academic Semester Cycle for Advisors (Date Layout)
This timeline is a date-driven view to see the various functions that make up each semester of the academic year by looking up a specific date to see what semester events occur around the selected date.

Academic Semester Cycle for Advisors (Item Layout)
This timeline is a item-driven view to see the various functions that make up each semester of the academic year by looking up a specific item to see when that item occurs for a specific semester cycle.

Office of the Registrar Generic Annual Texting Schedule
This schedule shows the annual texting schedule of the Office of the Registrar and includes the specific message used in each text. NOTE-Office of the Registrar texts are sent to undergraduate students only. Any graduate student related texts are admininstered through the Graduate College.

Advisor Question Depository

Registration Status

Trial Schedule Builder/College Schedule

Registration Resources

Mixed Credit and Senior Permission

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

DG/DX (Application to Degree Program) Holds

Pass/Not Pass Courses

Transfer Reevaluation and Pre-Approval

Students Returning After Extended Absence or Graduation

Graduation and Commencement

Account Access

Additional Advisor Resources

Policies to which advisors are commonly referred

General Baccalaureate Policy
This policy contains our University's undergraduate rules about majors/minors, catalogs of graduation, University GPA requirements, the University exit survey, the Civics exam, and residency requirements.

Scholastic Honors Policy
This policy contains the eligibility requirements for scholastic honors. NOTE: Scholastic honors are for undergraduate degrees only. There are no scholastic honors for graduate programs.

Transfer Credit Policy
This policy contains the policy information that governs our transfer policies, such as AA degrees waiving general education requirements and information about what types of credits are accepted.

Supplemental websites that may be helpful to advisors

Academic Appeals Procedures
This website contains information about the procedures for the various types of academic appeals about which a student may inquire.

Bear Intelligence
Bear Intelligence is the University's data resources. It provides access to ARGOS queries, but it organized in a way to make it friendlier for users to find the reports they need. Some commonly used reports that are available related to advising include the following:

  • Advisee List by Department and Primary Advisor with BearPass Number (Bear Intelligence > Faculty/Advisor Reports > Advisor Reports)
  • Advisee List by Department and Secondary Advisor with BearPass Number (Bear Intelligence > Faculty/Advisor Reports > Advisor Reports)
  • Final Graduation List (Bear Intelligence > Academic Departmental List > Graduation Lists)
  • Graduation Candidates by College or Department (Bear Intelligence > Academic Departmental List > Graduation Lists)
  • List of Students without an Advisor (Bear Intelligence > Faculty/Advisor Reports > Advisor Reports)
  • Student Majors by Department (Bear Intelligence > Academic Departmental List > Student, Academic, and Directory Lists)
  • Student Minors by Department (Bear Intelligence > Academic Departmental List > Student, Academic, and Directory Lists)

BearPACE (Degree Works Transfer Equivalency Self-Service)
This is a component of Degree Works. This allows prospective students to self-report transfer work, dual credit work (including MSU work), and credit by exam scores (like AP, CLEP, and IB) in order to obtain an estimated degree audit based on the reported work.

The website is a gateway to the undergraduate catalog, graduate catalog, and online catalog archives.

Civics Exam
This website contains information about the state-required Civics Exam for undergraduate students. Information includes who is eligible to have this requirement waived and study guides for students who need to complete the exam. It also contains contact information should students have questions about the exam.

Core 42
This is the University's Core 42 page. It is designed in a FAQ format and contains a link to the state's Core 42 website as well.

Course Teaching and Class Modalities
This website explains the various class modalities that are available. Information included are schedule expectations, tuition charges for the modality, student service fees status, and the instructional method code. NOTE: These modalities go into effect during the spring 2022 registration cycle.

Credit by Exam access (Transferring Credit to MSU)
This page contains links that allows the user to see how Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Exam Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and other credit by exam times transfer to MSU.

Curricular Proposal Dispositions
This page is a dispository of curricular dispositions that have been released. Keep in mind that some curricular items do also require state approval beyond the University disposition.

Curricular Proposal Submission and Tracking
Housed on the Office of the Provost website, this page is the access point for both the prior Curricular Action Workflow and current Curriculog systems. Users can track changes that have been proposed to the University curriculum for both courses and programs. Login required. Questions related to utilization of these systems should go to This email address is managed by Office of the Provost staff members who are contacts for the University's curriculum process.

Degree Works
This page houses information about our degree audit and student educational planner (SEP) software. Highlights include the user's guides designed for the various user roles who utilize this software.

GPA Calculator
This page houses the University's GPA calculator. It includes a GPA Calculator user's guide to assist advisors and students in how to use the calculator for various GPA scenarios.

Graduation Information for Academic Advisors
This website walks advisors through the graduation process in more detail and contains information about Commencement participation.

Information for Academic Advisors
This page housed on the Academic Advising and Transfer Center website contains a variety of advisor related resources, including information about training/development opportunities, advising/transfer councils, award recipients, and other useful resources.

Tuition and Fees
This page contains tuition and student services fees information.

University Exit Survey
This website contains information about the university exit survey required of all undergraduate degree-seeking students. This exam is loaded into Brightspace for the student to complete once the student has reached 102 completed undergraduate credits (as it is intended to be completed during the student's last semester or two). It also contains contact information should students have questions about the exam.