2015 Site Visit

Assurance Argument August 20, 2015

Download Assurance Argument document

Preparation for HLC Site Visit Presentation

Archives for Draft Reports

HLC Town Hall Meeting—April 4, 2014

Download slideshow presentation

Steering Committee Members

Member Title
Tamera Jahnke Professor and Dean/College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Chair
James Baker Vice-President for Research and Economic Development
William Cheek Emeritus Professor
Lynn Cline Professor and Head of Collection Development and Acquisitions, Meyer Library
Ken Coopwood Vice-President for Diversity and Inclusion
Ashley Crisafulli Undergraduate student
Rachelle Darabi Professor and Associate Provost for Student Development and Public Affairs
Thomas Dicke Professor of History
Caleb Doyle Undergraduate student
Steve Foucart Chief Financial Officer
Keri Franklin Associate Professor of English and Director of Assessment
Cynthia Hail Professor of Childhood Education and Family Studies
Rob Hornberger Assistant Vice President Enrollment Management/Registrar
Etta Madden Professor of English
Matt Morris Interim Vice President for Administrative and Information Services
Elizabeth (Libby) Rozell Professor and Associate Dean /College of Business, MBA Director
Don Simpson Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
Andrea Weber Director of Student Conduct, Dean of Students Office
Colette Witkowski Professor and Department Head of Biomedical Sciences

HLC Meeting Fall 2015 Dates

September 1, September 8, September 17, September 22, September 29 at 2–3 p.m. in Carrington 203

HLC Assumed Practices

MSU Response to HLC Assumed Practices—March 1, 2013


Evidence of accomplishments from 2005 report

MSU Evidence for Meeting HLC Criterion and Core Components—Prepared by Steering Committee

Criterion and Core Component Overview for Missouri State—August 16, 2013