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Promoting Teaching Excellence at Missouri State

Teaching & Learning with Brightspace

Creating Content in Brightspace

The Creating Content in Brightspace page is designed to help faculty effectively organize and create course materials using the platform. The Content tool serves as a central hub for posting and structuring materials, making them accessible to learners. Course materials are added as “topics” within content modules and can include a variety of resources such as documents, images, media files, URL links, assessments (assignments, quizzes, tests, and discussions), and links to third-party partner content.

This page provides guidance on:

  • Adding and Organizing Content: Discover how to structure your course and upload materials to create a seamless learning experience for students.
  • Copying and Reusing Content: Learn how to save time by reusing content from previous courses or importing external resources. 
  • Content Storage and Management: Understand how course materials are stored, organized, and managed in your Brightspace courses.

Frequently Asked Questions