Learning Technologies

Technology is integrated into every aspect of teaching and learning starting with the installation of technology within the classroom space and continuing across all aspects of teaching and learning, including:

  • instructional planning,
  • content creation
  • student productivity and processing,
  • classroom communications, and
  • monitoring student progress.   

Explore Learning Technologies for Teaching & Learning

Content Creation

Multimedia Instruction

Multimedia instruction includes the use of a variety of imagery and video to enhance student learning.  Multimedia tech tools are available to support faculty integration of media into instruction.  
Technological Environments

Classroom Technology

Teaching with technology depends on the design and equipment found within the classroom.  The FCTL provides classroom technology support for all classrooms on campus.  
Instructional Planning

Accessibility Resources

This page includes a variety of resources that will aid in the creation of accessible course materials that will not only benefit students with disabilities but all students at MSU.
Online Teaching

Alternative Instruction

These resources support moving instruction online and provide  things to do quickly to keep teaching and continue the important work that’s going on in your classroom.