Camp Claw Summer 2025!

Registration is open for the Camp Claw 2025!

Below is a summary of the weeks of camp offered this year:

  • Week 1 - June 9th to June 13th
  • Week 2 - June 16th to June 20th
  • Week 3 - June 23rd to June 27th
  • Week 4 - July 7th to July 11th
  • Week 5 - July 14th to July 18th
  • Week 6 - July 21st to July 25th
  • Week 7 - July 28th to August 1st

Any questions can be refered to

Camp Claw green paw print

Children running on a soccer field.

Apply Now!

Looking for a job this summer? Join our team as a camp counselor for Camp Claw.
Apply below if interested.
Camp Claw Counselor Application


The Foundations


Symbol with two friends


Be a true friend, make new friends

Symbol of an individual jumping rope


Feel positive about who you are

Symbol of an individual rock climbing


Trust yourself in what you can do

Symbol throwing a basketball into a net


Discover your way to play

Contact Us

Relay Missouri
711 or 800-735-2966