Call for Course Proposals
Revised General Education Curriculum
The Council on General Education and Interdisciplinary Programs (CGEIP) encourages proposals for courses to meet the newly approved General Education Learning Goals and Structure.
All courses, including existing general education courses, that wish to be a part of the revised curriculum must complete and submit the online Application for General Education Course and the appropriate Faculty Senate Course Approval and Resource forms (only required for substantive changes to an existing course or proposal of an entirely new course), through the approval process as described by Faculty Senate in the Course Proposal Information.
The online form requests: (1) a sample syllabus including a policy statement and clearly articulated General Learning Goals and Specific Learning Outcomes for the course; (2) evidence of course coordinator’s ability to maintain quality of the course (recommended completion of General Education Assessment Training); (3) an assessment plan; and (4) statements from the Department Head(s) and Dean(s) validating the information provided in the proposal.
Evaluation of Proposed Courses
CGEIP will consider the following criteria essential when reviewing course proposals:
- Well-planned and articulated incorporation of Faculty Senate-Approved (October 2, 2012) General Learning Goals and Specific Learning Outcomes according to the General Education Structure (Minimum Specific Learning Outcomes for each of the General Learning Goals are: minimum of two Specific Learning Outcomes for General Goals 2, 7, 12, 13, & 15; minimum of three Specific Learning Outcomes for General Goals 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 14; and minimum of four Specific Learning Outcomes for General Goal 5; First-year seminar is only required to address one specific learning outcome for each of its general goals listed as instructed in the General Education Structure).
- Last CGEIP review, including assessment of student learning, for existing general education courses
- Clear assessment plan for General Learning Goals and Specific Learning Outcomes
- Ability to staff proposed sections throughout the year in semesters and modalities proposed
- Description of instructional methods that support student success
Other items to be considered when reviewing course proposals:
- Number of students served per year
- Variety of modalities offered
- Inclusion of High Impact Educational Experiences (HIEE) such as service learning, learning communities, internships, linked courses, interdisciplinary courses, team-taught courses, and education abroad.
Open Forum Video
Open forum session (October 24, 2012) lead by Dr. Josh Smith, on the online application process for courses to be considered in the revised general education structure approve by Faculty Senate on October 2, 2012. The session also included discussion on the review process for course proposals by the Council on General Education and Intercollegiate Programs.
(CGEIP) and general questions and discussion related to the revision of general education. Access this Open forum video.