The Council on General Education and Intercollegiate Programs is a committee of the Faculty Senate curricular approval process. The purpose of CGEIP is to act upon all curricular proposals affecting the General Education Program as well as courses and programs offered collaboratively by academic departments/ schools in two or more colleges (i.e., intercollegiate programs not routed to Professional Education Committee or graduate council).
CGEIP committee members are comprised of two persons from each undergraduate college and the Chair-Elect of the Faculty Senate, an ex officio member without vote. Members serve staggered three-year terms, so that only one-third of the membership changes each year. The Provost or a designee of the Provost shall be an ex officio member without vote. The Director of the Center for Assessment and Instructional Support shall be an ex-officio member without vote.
CGEIP has monthly meetings (usually the second Wednesday of the month) from 3:30–5:00 p.m. during the academic year. The exact meeting times can be found on the Faculty Senate Calendar.
A comprehensive list of the responsibilities of CGEIP can be found in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty Senate. A summary of the these responsibilities are as follows:
- Reviews and acts upon general education course proposals to ensure compliance with established general education goals and learning outcomes.
- Periodically review the general education courses and general education program and recommends changes in the general education program to the Faculty Senate.
- Oversees the relationships of the general education program with other parts of the curriculum and other curricular structures on campus.
- Reviews and acts on the intercollegiate proposals.
Want to submit a course on your general education? Review guidelines and find a link to the report form.
The agenda for each CGEIP meeting will be posted one week prior to the meeting and the minutes will be posted after approval by CGEIP the following month. View the CGEIP agenda and minutes.