Faculty Senate

2024–25 Faculty Senate Chair message

Scott Zimmerman

Welcome to the Faculty Senate webpage.  I am honored to serve as your Chair for the 2024-’25 academic year.  I have big shoes to fill given the long line of strong Senate leadership we’ve had.

My focus this year will be to serve you. I hope to be your voice to the Administration and to the community. This can only happen if we have the engagement of all the faculty and the willingness to communicate with one another.  I can only advocate for the things I am aware of.  I encourage you to contact me and make your comments, concerns, appreciations, and celebrations known.  We need you to get involved.

The year promises to be full of the exciting, the frustrating, and the unexpected, as most are, but particularly this year as we welcome a new University President and deal with the consequences of the recent University realignment.  Much of the early work of the Senate will be to determine how the faculty should be represented within the Senate, now that we have a mix of Departments and Schools. Please be involved and make your voice heard.

I have heard many concerns about the state of shared governance on our campus.  The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is committed to having a larger voice in the decision making, and even the idea forming processes on campus. Those conversations have been ongoing for the last few years and, generally, there are more opportunities for our voices to be heard.  We will continue to do our best to nudge our way into more.

Thank you for this opportunity.  I will serve you to the best of my ability but need you to make me aware of your concerns.  Let’s have coffee, lunch, a meeting, take a walk, so I can better understand how to help.

Most Sincerely,


Faculty Senate Executive Committee


Chair – Scott Zimmerman
Chair-Elect – Mike Foster
Secretary of the Faculty – Kim Finch
Parliamentarian – Michael Hudson
Past Chair – Elizabeth Walker

Faculty Senate Support

Sandra Johnson, CAP
Administrative Specialist III
Curriculum Planning & Management
Phone: 836-5257  Email: FacultySenate@missouristate.edu

Faculty Senate Calendar

February 27 - FSEC Meets

March 4 - College Councils meet

March 5 - Grad Council, EPPC, CGEIP meet

March 13 - Faculty Senate Meets at 3:30 p.m. in PSU 313

March 27 - FSEC Meets

April 1 - College Councils meet

April 2 - Grad Council, EPPC, CGEIP meet

April 10 - Faculty Senate Meets at 3:30 p.m. in PSU 313

April 18 - MSU Offices Closed

April 24 - FSEC Meets

April 30 - Grad Council, EPPC, CGEIP meet

May 1 - Faculty Senate Meets at 3:30 p.m. in PSU 313
