Educator Preparation Provider Council

Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC)

Membership Form

The Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC) is the representative body to the Faculty Senate that governs the professional education curriculum and defines policies and procedures that ensure quality professional education programs at this institution. An EPPC member who represents the faculty must be a member of the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP).

The primary purpose of the EPPC is to review courses and programs and to define those policies and procedures that ensure educator preparation programs at Missouri State University (MSU) meet state and national guidelines for preparing qualified school personnel.  The EPPC represents the EPP (Educator Preparation Provider) as a governing body that is part of the Faculty Senate.  Missouri State University is organized such that educator preparation programs are offered in six academic colleges.  The EPP was established to encompass all educator preparation certification programs across the various colleges.

Responsibilities of the Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC)

  • Develops policy and makes recommendations concerning educator preparation programs.
  • Conducts on-going reviews of all educator preparation programs and participates in the preparation of accreditation reports.Monitors changing regulations and accreditation standards and makes recommendations for program revisions to accommodate new requirements.
  • Monitors changing regulations and accreditation standards and makes recommendations for program revisions to accommodate new requirements.Promotes collaboration among and provides professional development opportunities for members of the EPP and between EPP and the public schools to enhance the quality of professional education.
  • Reviews, to approve or reject, proposals for substantive changes to educator preparation programs and courses as described in Article VI of the Bylaws.
  • Ensures curricular coherence in educator preparation.

  • Develops quality control procedures for educator preparation programs.
  • Reviews student appeals concerning exceptions or waivers to any Teacher Education Program policy or requirement and makes recommendations.
  • Reviews and makes recommendations to the Head of the EPP to ensure that unit policies and practices are consistent with national, regional, state, and university standards and requirements.

Contact Information

2024-2025 Chair: Dr. Melanie Carden-Jessen
EPP website: