Professionalism Contract

This contract can be found in My Missouri State > Teacher Education Resources card > Professionalism Contract. It is a requirement for admission to teacher education progams.

As a Missouri State University teacher candidate, with the intent to become a PK-12 teacher,
you agree to act professionally as a representative of the university and the field of education

  1. Treating peers, faculty and staff, and PK-12 school personnel and students with
    compassion and respect.
  2. Recognizing, respecting, and responding to diverse cultures, identities, and backgrounds
    of students, families, caregivers, community and colleagues.
  3. Using appropriate professional language in all forms of communication.
  4. Consistently demonstrating responsibility and dependability.
  5. Demonstrating punctuality with submission of work, communication, and meeting
  6. Responding positively to feedback, being self-reflective, and using feedback for
  7. Taking the initiative to actively engage in the educational setting.
  8. Demonstrating ethical behavior in all situations.
  9. Following policies and procedures of the university and PK-12 school settings and
    requesting clarification when necessary.
  10. Maintaining confidentiality and demonstrating respect for the principle of informed