Entrance exams are no longer required for admission to teacher education.
Starting July 1, 2024, the Praxis tests have replaced the MoCA requirement. All passing
MoCA scores will continue to be accepted for teacher certification.
Students completing teacher certification requirements must be admitted to Teacher
Education. Admission to the Program is required. Criteria used to determine admission
to Teacher Education are outlined below.
Elementary, Early Childhood, and Special Education require 30 completed credit hours.
All Secondary and Middle School programs require 45 completed credit hours.
Speech Theater, Music, Physical Education, and World Languages require an overall
GPA of 2.75.
Art Education requires an overall GPA of 2.50.
The remaining Teacher Education programs do not require an overall GPA.
History requires a 2.75 content GPA.
Music requires a 3.0 content GPA and a passing score on the Piano Proficiency Exam
The remaining Teacher Education programs do not require a content GPA for admission
to teacher education.
Note: A 3.0 content GPA is required to meet requirements for certification.
A grade of “C-” or higher in COM115 or GEC103.
A passing grade in one of the following introductory methods courses. Check program
catalogs and audits for final grade requirements.
Art: ART360
Early Childhood: ECE304
Elementary: ELE302 or PEU015 transfer course
English: ENG304
Music: MUS200
Physical Education: KIN200
Special Education: SPE310
All other Secondary and Middle School programs: SEC302 or PEU015 transfer course
Login to My.MissouriState.edu, go to the "Teacher Education Resources" card/box, see
links to both the Professionalism Contract and the Teacher Education Contract
Teacher Education Contract
Login to My.MissouriState.edu, go to the "Teacher Education Resources" card/box, see
links to both the Professionalism Contract and the Teacher Education Contract
Dispositions Traits Self-Assessment
Dispositions Traits Self-Assessment will be required beginning fall 2023 for all programs.
A link to the Self-Assessment is sent to your MSU email account.