Dual Major: Mechanical Engineering and Physics

Under this plan, you'll earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in mechanical engineering from Missouri S&T and a BS in physics from Missouri State.

Why dual-major in physics?

Adding the physics major is especially helpful for mechanical engineers who want to work for: 

  • Aerospace manufacturers.

  • Defense contractors.
  • Laser companies.
  • Medical centers.
  • Semiconductor manufacturers.

Review information on simultaneous degrees (.pdf)

Degree plan

You must first complete the freshman engineering curriculum. You will then apply for admission to the mechanical engineering program and begin the following curriculum below.

This plan does not account for transfer credit you may have. Contact us or check with your advisor to determine your transfer credit.

The following degree plan is based on the catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

Sophomore first semester

Courses Hours
PHY 233 Engineering Statics 3
S&T: MECH ENG 2653 Introduction to Manufacturing 3
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Total hours 21

Sophomore second semester

Courses Hours
S&T: MECH ENG 2761 Introduction to Design 3
S&T: MECH ENG 2519 Thermodynamics 3
S&T: MECH ENG 2360 Engineering Dynamics 3
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S&T: ELEC ENG 2100 Circuit Analysis I 3
S&T: ELEC ENG 2101 Circuit Analysis I Lab 1
Total hours 19

Junior first semester

Courses Hours
S&T: MET ENG 2110 Metallurgy for Engineers 3
S&T: ELEC ENG 2120 Circuit Analysis II 3
S&T: CIV ENG 2210 Mechanics of Materials 3
S&T: CIV ENG 2211 Materials Testing Lab 1
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S&T: MECH ENG 3313 Machine Dyanmics 3
S&T: MECH ENG 3521 Applied Thermodynamics 3
Total hours 19

Junior second semester

Courses Hours
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S&T: MECH ENG 3411 Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems 3
S&T: MECH ENG 3708 Machine Design I 3
S&T: MECH ENG 3525 Heat Transfer 3
S&T: MECH ENG 3131 Thermofluid Mechanics I 3
S&T: MECH ENG 4840 Mechanical Instrumentation 2
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Total hours 21

Senior first semester

Courses Hours
S&T: MECH ENG 4842 Mechanical Engineering Systems 2
S&T: MECH ENG 4480 Control Systems Lab 1
S&T: MECH ENG 4479 Automatic Control of Dynamic Systems 3
S&T: MECH ENG 4842 Mechanical Engineering Systems 2
S&T: ENG MGT 1210 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects 2
S&T: MECH ENG Systems Integration Elective 3
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Total hours 22

Senior second semester

Courses Hours
S&T: ENG MGT 3320 Intro to Project Management 3
S&T: MECH ENG Technical Elective 3
S&T: MECH ENG 4761 Engineering Design 3
Literature elective 3
Humanities or Social Sciences - General elective (upper level) 3
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Humanities or Social Sciences - General Elective 3
Senior Assessment 0
Total hours 20

This is a sample schedule. Your actual schedule may vary.