Dr. Catherine H. Hoegeman


Sociology and Anthropology

Role: Faculty
Campus: Springfield

Postal mail

Missouri State University
Sociology and Anthropology
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield, MO 65897



  • PhD, Sociology, University of Arizona
  • MA, Sociology, University of Arizona
  • MA, Leadership and Liberal Studies, Duquesne University
  • BS, Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara


  • Statistics for Social Research
  • Nonprofit Environment and Civil Society
  • Urban Sociology
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Social Movements
  • Introduction to Society

Professional experience


Adler, Gary J., Catherine Hoegeman, and A. Joseph West. “Congregational Political Activity and Same-sex Marriage: Social Movement Theory and Evidence for Contextual Influence.” The Sociological Quarterly, forthcoming.

Anderson, Shawna L., Jessica Hamar, Catherine Hoegeman, Gary J. Adler, and Mark Chaves. 2008. “Dearly Departed: An Examination of Congregation Closures Since 1998.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 47(2):321-328.

Research and professional interests

  • Leadership in religious organizations
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Social movements
  • Religion and politics
  • Social network analysis

Additional resources