Instructor leading a fitness course.

Major in gerontology

Gerontology – the study of aging – prepares you to care for and support older adults.

Explore age-related issues, changes and disorders. Know the aging process and how to help seniors in daily life.

Join a fast-growing career field where you can make the golden years brighter.

Degree options

Already have a major? You can also earn a minor in gerontology or certificate in gerontology.

Degree plan
Review a sample schedule that details your path to graduation.
Degree plan
Review this sample schedule if you want to major in gerontology and something else.
Degree resources
Ease your transfer process.

Backed by strong credentials and tradition

The Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education certifies us as a Program of Merit. We were the first in the nation, in 1999, to earn this distinction.

The Program of Merit designation recognizes gerontology and health profession programs that meet globally vetted criteria.

Gerontological Society of America's Program of Merit logo.

Age-Friendly University Global Network

Missouri State University is proud to be a member of the Age-Friendly University Global Network. With a focus on public affairs and diversity, Missouri State University supports student of all ages.

Age-Friendly Global University Network logo

Why major in gerontology at Missouri State?

Student using computer in library.

No other school in the state has it

MSU offers the only bachelor’s degree in gerontology in Missouri.

Student holding his diploma.

Two degrees are better than one

Increase your marketability. You can earn a double major in gerontology and another field with no extra course work.

Instructors having a conversation.

Enjoy close connections

Our program is small compared to others. That means you get a custom education and personal advising. You can build one-on-one relationships with your faculty, advisor and classmates.

Instructor teaching a yoga class to older adults.

Have broad career options

Gerontology covers many things, which prepares you for more career fields. Your knowledge can apply to areas like biology, social work, marketing, business and more. Most students have jobs before they graduate.

By the numbers

We’re an affordable, nationally recognized program. You’ll be ready to thrive in a growing career field.



Great Value Colleges for Gerontology Degrees


Best Gerontology Degrees


Expected job growth over the next 10 years (much faster than average) for social and human service assistants.
Student standing by Ravenwood Assisted Living sign.
Careers and outcomes
People are living longer than ever. With a gerontology degree, you’re prepared to meet this increasing demand for aging services.

Program resources

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