BS Four-Year Degree Plan: Dual Majors

The following is a sample schedule for majoring in gerontology and another field – your actual schedule may vary.

Meet with your advisor before scheduling your classes. Review the class schedule for course availability.

Missouri State is committed to helping you graduate in four years.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 06-10-2021, is based on the 2021-22 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations 2
ENG 110 Writing I 3
Quantitative Literacy - General Education 3
HST 121 Survey of the History of the United States to 1877
or HST 122 Survey of the History of the United States since 1877
PSY 121 Introductory Psychology 3
PSY 150 Introduction to the Psychology Major 1
Total hours 15

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
The Arts - General Education 3
Humanities - General Education 3
SOC 150 Introduction to Society 3
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
BIO 101 Biology in Your World
or BMS 100 Essentials in Human Biology
or BMS 110 Introduction to Human Biology
BIO 111 Laboratory for Biology in Your World
or BMS 111 Introduction to Human Biology Laboratory
Total hours 16

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
Cultural Competence - General Education 3
Physical Sciences - General Education 3-4
GER 375 Social Forces and Aging 3
Written Communication and Integrative and Applied Learning - General Education 3
PSY 200 Psychological Statistical Methods 3
Total hours 15-16

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Gerontology - Health Related 3
PSY foundation course work - Applied 3
PLS 101 American Democracy and Citizenship 3
GER 351 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
or PSY 350 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
PSY 302 Experimental Psychology 3
Total hours 15

Fifth semester (fall)

Courses Hours
Gerontology Elective 3
GER 470 Community Resources for Older Adults 3
BMS 260 Biology of Aging 3
Public Issues - General Education 3
General elective 3
General elective 1
Total hours 16

Sixth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Gerontology Elective 3
COM 390 Communication and Aging 3
PSY foundation course work - Learning and Cognition 3
General elective 3
General elective 3
Total hours 15

Seventh semester (fall)

Courses Hours
GER 480 Policies and Older Adults 3
Gerontology Elective 3
PSY 411 Psychology of Diversity 3
General elective 3
General elective 3
General elective 1
Total hours 16

Eighth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
GER 598 Supervised Practicum in Gerontology 6-9
GER 599 Seminar in Gerontology 3
GEN 499 University Exit Examination 0
Total hours 9-12

Tips for success

  • The gerontology major does not require a minor. Many students choose to add a minor or second major in psychology, sociology, health services, hospitality leadership or business. You're encouraged to use general electives to complete a second major or minor in another area of interest.
  • Meet with a gerontology advisor as soon as possible when deciding on the dual major option. They can help you develop a plan to maximize the use of your credit hours.
  • No application is needed for admission to the gerontology program.
  • A total of 120 completed credited hours is required for graduation.
  • Involvement in the Gerontology Club will help you learn more about the field, the major and the practicum.