Student Academic Assistance
Do you need help with study skills or want to talk with another student who's been where you are? Our Success Coaches and Peer Mentors can help!
Success Coaches
An academic Success Coach is invested in the success of students. Coaching is a working partnership that focuses on the process of learning to be organized, meet deadlines, prioritize projects, and manage time to reach goals. Like an athletic coach, we help students become “even better” in their academic and professional skills.
With a success coach, you can expect to explore your learning styles, habits of working, and current difficulties or barriers to success. We promise to:
- Help you identify strengths and weaknesses
- Assist you with academic and career goal setting
- Develop your study and time management habits and other skills to ensure success
- Connect you with other campus resources, as needed*
Ready to meet with a Success Coach? Use our form to request to meet with a Success Coach. We'll respond within two business days.
Are you a faculty or staff member concerned about a student who is struggling academically? Use our Academic Care Team referral form to send an alert so we can offer targeted academic assistance to the student. Learn more on our Academic Care Team page.
*Thanks to University of Kentucky and Iowa State for their helpful approaches to coaching.
Peer Mentors
Peer Mentoring is a special program focusing on peers helping peers. Peer Mentoring is a free service available to all undergraduate students who wish to share a problem, need referral information, or just want to talk to an unbiased listener. The role of a Peer Mentor is to discuss problems with students and help them find answers to their questions about MSU. The service is staffed by students who are active listeners and are knowledgeable about the campus resources available to assist students.
Are you worried about anything at all? We can talk it through with you. We are located in the Center for Academic Success and Transition office, Meyer Library 116.
Ready to meet with a Peer Mentor? Use our form to request to meet with a Peer Mentor.
Academic Resources for Students
Technology Access Assistance
Learn how to borrow a wireless hotspot to assist you this semester.
A Bear's Life: Student Stories from our Peer Mentors
- Meet the Success Coaches (Spring 2025, Week 9)Thursday March 13, 2025 at 3:15 p.m.
Welcome back, Missouri State Bears! We have some more success coaches in our office staff that we’d love to introduce. Success coaches are graduate students who have been in your shoes as undergraduates and are here to provide academic and professional guidance to MSU students. As part of the Center for Academic Success and Transition, […]
The post Meet the Success Coaches (Spring 2025, Week 9) appeared first on A Bear's Life: Student Stories.
- Taking Care of Yourself During the Winter MonthsWednesday March 5, 2025 at 5:45 p.m.
Please enjoy this guest post from Success Coach, Yomna! When I moved to the U.S. in 2019 from Saudi Arabia, I was beyond excited for winter. Coming from a place where summer dominates most of the year and winter barely lasts a month, I thought I was escaping the relentless heat for a season I would […]
The post Taking Care of Yourself During the Winter Months appeared first on A Bear's Life: Student Stories.
- Actively Engaging in the Pillar of Community Engagement (Spring 2025, Week 7)Thursday February 27, 2025 at 4:45 p.m.
Welcome back, Missouri State Bears! I hope you’re having a fantastic semester so far. With the semester already flying by, now is the perfect time to think about getting more involved. At Missouri State, student engagement is one of our core pillars, and you can really embrace it by connecting with the campus community. Now […]
The post Actively Engaging in the Pillar of Community Engagement (Spring 2025, Week 7) appeared first on A Bear's Life: Student Stories.