Academic Resources for Students
Active Reading Strategies
This web page from the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning at Princeton University contains active reading strategies and innovative ways to stay engaged with text.
Building Motivation Worksheet (*PDF, 136K)
This is a guided self-reflection worksheet for students to begin cultivating and thinking about their motivation.
Five-Day Exam Study Tips (*PDF, 105K)
This document contains a 5-day exam preparation guide. Each day is broken down by different material that the student should focus on in their studying. Each day of the guide can also be combined into one day to study each of the categories that the guide includes. (Source: Bear CLAW)
Note-Taking Strategies for Online Classes (*PDF, 222K)
This document contains note-taking strategies for students in online classes.
Also, review this pdf document from the University of Akron: Note-Taking Strategies and Tips for Online Courses
Time Management Matrix
This matrix contains four quadrant categories: urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, and not urgent and not important. The idea is that we should spend more time in the ‘not-urgent but important’ quadrant because we should plan ahead for the tasks we need to accomplish. The purpose of this matrix is to help individuals prioritize their tasks and know what important tasks should come first. (Source: Covey, S. R., Merrill, A. R., & Merrill, R. R. (1994). First things first: To live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy.)
Time Management Worksheet (*PDF, 125K)
This is a guided self-reflection worksheet for students to further develop their time management and planning skills.
Traps of Studying (*PDF, 127K)
This document contains 10 ‘traps’ that students fall into when studying and the different ways they can go about combating them and developing their study skills. (Source: Bear CLAW)
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