2024-25 Strategic Plan Calendar

August 1

Board of Governors Retreat.  

Engage board and Administrative Council in discussion of higher education trends; university strengths, areas of improvement, opportunities, threats, and areas of distinction; and values, vision, and mission.

September 30-October 2 

Consultant discussions with stakeholder small groups.

Interactive Workshop #1 introduces process to campus and engage campus in process.  

Strategic Plan Committee (SPC) begins discussion of values, vision, and mission.

Consider holding community forum.

October 3-27 SPC reviews feedback from small groups and interactive workshop; reviews and refines values, vision, and mission statements.
October 18 Update to Board of Governors.
October 28-29

Conduct Interactive Workshop #2 to receive feedback on values, vision, and mission.  

SPC considers feedback on values, vision, and mission.

Consultant works with SPC to identify 3-5 goal categories.  

Identify members of goal working groups.  

Week of November 11

Consultant conducts online workshops for each goal working group and tasks to be completed.  

Working groups begin work on goal statements and desired outcomes.

December 12 Update to Board of Governors.
Week of January 20

Goal working groups report to SPC on draft goal statements and draft desired outcomes.  

Consultant attends SPC meeting by Zoom.

January 29-31

Interactive Workshop #3: SPC presents and receives feedback on draft goals and desired outcomes.

Consultant conducts workshop for each goal working group on developing strategies.  

Consider holding community forum to receive feedback on goals and desired outcomes.  

SPC finalizes goals and desired outcomes.

February 20-21 Update to Board of Governors.
March 4-5 Goal working groups present draft strategies to SPC and to Interactive Workshop #4 for feedback.
Week of March 31 Goal working groups submit recommended strategies to SPC for their endorsement.
Week of April 14 SPC recommends strategic plan to President.
May 8

Present plan to Board of Governors for approval.

Mid to late May Consultant conducts implementation workshop for Administrative Council and university leadership.

June 12-13 Update to Board of Governors.
August 7-8 Strategy/goal leaders present work plans at Board of Governors retreat.