Staff Senate Initiatives
Ongoing Initiatives
- Represent staff and create partnerships through direct participation in University committees (See Councils and Committees for complete list of Senate representation on University committees.)
- Perform the Staff Satisfaction Survey every two years and report back findings to the University administration and Board of Governors.
- Sponsor and coordinate Breast Cancer Awareness fundraising
- Raise funds for the Staff Senate Scholarship
- Provide information about Staff Senate during the Human Resources New Employee Orientation
- Participate in the City of Springfield Adopt-A-Street program
- Manage donation drives and volunteer events for community partners.
- Facilitate the Staff Senate Leadership Series which includes the leadership book club, sponsorship of the administrative professionals/professional development forum.
- Enhance staff engagement at University athletic events including BearFest Village and staff appreciation day at the Missouri State University vs. University of Missouri baseball game
- Assist HR with Staff Appreciation Week events, games, and food
- Sponsor Pineapple Whip once each year to express appreciation to staff