Councils and Committees

Staff Senate has several standing councils and committees. Standing councils and committees primarily serve to facilitate the work of internal Staff Senate programs and initiatives and are made up of both senators and staff members at-large. Staff Senate standing councils and committees are used to investigate and discuss staff-related issues, plan service and social activities and programs for staff members, provide guidance and support for Staff Senate, and fulfill the mission of the University.

Staff Senate also sends senate representatives to serve on various University committees at the request of the Administration. These committees are referred to as external committees. 

Membership and Participation

As stated in Article VI of the Staff Senate bylaws, "Standing committees may consist of both current and former Senate members, as well as staff members at-large. Staff members at-large must first receive the consent of the committee chair before joining meetings and activities of the committee. All senators shall be required to serve on at least one standing committee per term year."

All senators are required to serve on at least one standing council or committee per term year, but senators may serve on multiple standing councils and committees. Staff members at large are welcome on all standing councils and committees and may join any council/committee at the discretion of the council/committee chair. For more information, please email 

The Staff Senate Chairperson appoints senate representatives for the University committees (external). 

2024-2025 Committees