Councils and Committees
Staff Senate has several standing councils and committees. Standing councils and committees primarily serve to facilitate the work of internal Staff Senate programs and initiatives and are made up of both senators and staff members at-large. Staff Senate standing councils and committees are used to investigate and discuss staff-related issues, plan service and social activities and programs for staff members, provide guidance and support for Staff Senate, and fulfill the mission of the University.
Staff Senate also sends senate representatives to serve on various University committees at the request of the Administration. These committees are referred to as external committees.
Membership and Participation
As stated in Article VI of the Staff Senate bylaws, "Standing committees may consist of both current and former Senate members, as well as staff members at-large. Staff members at-large must first receive the consent of the committee chair before joining meetings and activities of the committee. All senators shall be required to serve on at least one standing committee per term year."
All senators are required to serve on at least one standing council or committee per term year, but senators may serve on multiple standing councils and committees. Staff members at large are welcome on all standing councils and committees and may join any council/committee at the discretion of the council/committee chair. For more information, please email
The Staff Senate Chairperson appoints senate representatives for the University committees (external).
2024-2025 Committees
The Public Affairs Committee is charged with coordinating activities and developing proposals to produce citizens of enhanced character that contribute to the University community and society, and demonstrate civility in thought, speech, and action.
The Public Affairs Committee is responsible for:
- Promoting the public affairs mission and events/activities (donation drives, book series, volunteer opportunities) that support it.
- Facilitating Cherry Street Adopt a Street.
- Reporting updates to the Coordinator of Staff Senate Committees.
Chair Sharon Harter -
Staff Activities Committee
The Staff Activities Committee may have work groups which serve to facilitate planning and coordination for Staff Senate organized events and fundraising opportunities.
The Staff Activities Committee is responsible for:
- Creating new fundraising opportunities for the Staff Senate Scholarship.
- Planning staff appreciation events throughout the year, such as football game tailgates.
- Budgeting for and securing event (athletics, theatre, etc.) tickets for staff.
- Reporting updates to the Coordinator of Staff Senate Committees.
Co-Chairs Charles Babb & Blanca Mallonee -
The Staff Development Committee is charged with generating and vetting ideas to increase staff recruitment, retention, professional development, and morale. The Staff Recruitment and Retention Committee is responsible for:The Staff Development Committee is responsible for:
- Proposing ideas, benefits, and policies to Staff Senate to increase staff recruitment, retention, and morale.
- Facilitating implementation of proposed recruitment/retention ideas.
- Providing staff with information on professional development opportunities on and off campus.
- Sponsoring educational workshops and programs.
Reporting updates to the Coordinator of Staff Senate Committees.
Co-Chairs Dr. April Phillips & Kelli Helton -
These Senators represent Staff Senate interests on committees external to our body.
Committee Representative Name Appointment Term Academic Calendar Committee Senator Rachel Rigby 1 Year Appointment Administrative Budget Committee Chair Elect Phil Bridges Length of Term Board of Governors Executive Committee Meetings Chair/Chair Elect/Past Chair Campbell Keele/ Phil Bridges/ Laura Derrick Length of Term Cilf's Connection Chair Campbell Keele Length of Term Council for Staff Excellence in Service Awards 2 Senators Phil Bridges, Adam Niesen
2 Year Appointment Executive Budget Committee
Chair Campbell Keele Length of Term Faculty Senate Senator Kathleen Hahn 1 Year Appointment Health Care & Benefits Committee Chair Campbell Keele Length of Term IT Council Senator Phil Bridges 2 Year Appointment President's Council on Accessibility Senator Laura Derrick 1 Year Appointment Presidential and Administrative Council Retreats Chair/Chair Elect/Past Chair
Campbell Keele / Phil Bridges / Laura Derrick
Length of Term Representative Bodies Leadership Lunches Chair/Chair Elect Campbell Keele / Phil Bridges
Length of Term Shared Leave Committee Three Senators Amy Daniels / Blanca Mallonee / Kelly Schlinder
2 Year Appointment
with one seat offset
from the other twoStudent Government Senator Varies 1 Year Appointment Sustainability Commission Senator Misty Webster 1 Year Appointment. Unlimited Reappointment Transportation Advisory Committee Senator Ben Metzger 1 Year Appointment University Space Allocation
Advisory CommitteeChair/Chair Elect/Past Chair Brandon Decker 1 Year Appointment Wall of Fame Selection Committee Chair Campbell Keele 1 Year Appointment West Plains Staff Senate Senator Trish Smith 1 Year Appointment Wyrick Commission Senator Misty Webster 1 Year Appointment
Unlimited Reappointment