October 4, 2007 Minutes
1. Call to Order - Meeting called to order on October 4, 2007 at 1:31PM
2. Roll Call
Present: Cindi Barnett, Ron Boaz, Patrick Byers, Casey Comoroski, Pat Day, Rebecca Woodward, Roger Dulcos, Norm Griffith, Konya Knackstedt, Steven Lowery, Emily McGee, Lenord McGownd, Cathy McFall, Sheila Morris, and Dennis Perry
Absent: John Avery, Debbi Branson, Don Clark, SuzAnn Ferguson, Glen Fletcher, Marian Green, Sue McCrory, Dale Moore, Thomas Norrell, Lynna Roller, and Diana Thimesch
Guests: Alisa Trotter from Business Advisement
It was determined that there was not a quorum present to do business.
3. Introduction - Mary Ann Wood, Director of Public Affairs Support
Staff Community Service Award - Mary Ann Wood (formerly Mary Ann Claypool) talked to the Senate about the Staff Community Service Awards. The deadline for nominating staff members for this award is November 1, 2007. Mary Ann said each year the numbers of nominees are smaller, so we need to get the word out for people to receive this award. The award is worth $1,200. The criteria for the award are:
- Personal action to serve community causes;
- Significant and sustained record of volunteer service;
- Significant contribution to improve the quality of life;
- Promotion of values consistent with the betterment of society;
- Is in good standing with the university; and
- Employment with the University for a minimum of three years
For more information about this award, feel free to contact Mary Ann at MaryAnnWood@missouristate.edu or visit the website at publicaffairs.missouristate.edu/awards/StaffCommunityService.htm
4. Announcements
- Chair Introduction - Kelly gave a little background about herself and what she would like to see the Senate do this year. She stated that Dr. Nietzel would like to continue having Town Hall Meetings during the lunch hour every other month. He would like to address concerns that we have and encourages everyone to email him or his office with possible topics for the Town Hall Meetings.
5. Approval of Minutes - After some corrections to the September minutes, they were approved.
Financial Report - Kelly gave the financial report for the Senate. At the present time, the senate has $1,540.81. The Senate receives an allocated amount of money each year from Dr. Nietzel. The budget is used primarily to pay the phone bill each month and to buy mugs for new employees entering the University.
6. New Business
- Chair-Elect - The Senate needs to nominate and elect a Chair-Elect. Since it was determined that we did not have a quorum to conduct business, nominations for the Chair-Elect position were postponed until next month. Please find interested individuals to fill this leadership position in the Senate.
- Vacant Seats - Since we did not have a quorum to conduct business, the filling of vacant seats were postponed until next month. Please find interested individuals to fill these vacant spaces...these positions are key to the success of our organization.
7. Officers Reports
8. Committee Reports
Denim Day Report - Kelly asked Cathy McFall to give a report of what she and her committee have done for Denim Day. Kelly stated that she was very impressed with the work the group had done.
Cathy stated that they collected over $2,500 at the 5K Walk/Run this past weekend. This figure is before expenses have been accounted for, but she would have a complete report next month. She stated that 4 members of the Senate were present during the event and she was VERY thankful to Casey Comoroski for all of her assistance in planning the event and helping to make it successful.
Cathy stated that they had a successful luncheon for Denim Day yesterday in the PSU Ballroom. The event was attended by 277 people. The meal cost individuals $6.00 and almost half of this amount went towards the overall collection.
The committee placed ribbons and balloons across campus to increase the awareness of the campus to Breast Cancer. Cathy said that the Greek Community was involved in an awareness campaign as well and it has been very successful. Cathy and Casey have made arrangements for some student athletes to be positioned at the home football game to collect money for the week as well.
Finally, the committee had staffed a collection table in the Union everyday this week to collect money for individuals to be able to wear jeans on the actual Denim Day on October 5th. For more information on this week of events and the members who made it successful, go to www.missouristate.edu/staffsenate/denimday.
The next meeting of the Staff Senate will be held at 1:30PM on November 1 in PSU 313.
Adjourned: 1:55PM
Minutes submitted for approval by: Lenord McGownd