May 2006 Minutes
1. Call to Order
A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, PSU 313 at 1:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Diana Garland, Patrick Byers, Roger Duclos, LaDonna Hansen, Sheila Morris, Sue Alvers, Guy DeVault, Marline Faherty, Terrill Harvey, Edward DeLong, Steve Mills, Earle Doman, Norm Griffith, Tara Horton, Scott Walker
Absent: Ben Boslaugh, Sherry Adams, Veronica Adinegara, Carter Allen, Darlene Bailey, Sara Clark, Wendy Ferguson, Glen Fletcher, Barb Jones, David Liss, Dale Moore, Thomas Norrell, Dennis Perry, Jason Rhea, Tami Sutton
Guests: Lisa McEowen-LeVangie, Alisa Trotter, Sheila Ponder, Jason Incorvati
Diana Garland, Chair, presided and Sue Alvers recorded the proceedings of the meeting.
3. Announcements
- Dale Moore and Sheila Morris won tickets for COAL's fundraising fashion show.
- The "Bowling" get-together for Friday is canceled
- Ben and Amy Boslaugh has a baby boy
- Ed DeLong is the new Faculty Senate representative replacing Rhonda Ridinger
4. Guest Speakers
Jason Incorvati, Coordinator of Intramural Sports gave a short report on the Recreation Center survey. He stated that there was an overwhelmingly positive response. Students are willing to pay for extra options to the center while staff aren't so open to paying extra. If staff want a separate area to use, then they must be willing to pay for that option. Students are currently drafting a referendum for October to ask the campus community what they are willing to pay. There has not been a decision whether Hammons Student Center or McDonald Arena will be renovated for the center. Dr. Doman mentioned that gifting options will be available to help with funding.
5. Minutes
The minutes of the open, regular meeting of April 6, 2006 were not approved because there was not a quorum
6. Officers Report
- The Executive Committee met with Dr. Nietzel on April 11, 2006. Discussion was on the Work/Life Committee and the Staff Senate Resolution to John Q. Hammons for the JQH Arena.
- Diana represented Staff Senate at a reception for Dr. Keiser during the Public Affairs Conference.
- Dr. Nietzel is concerned that employees are not being notified about pay raises before the list is posted on the web. Deans will send letters to their employees before June 9th.
- Dr. Nietzel will do an abbreviated version of his joint Staff Senate/Faculty Senate budget power point presentation to the Board of Governors on May 18, 2006. The total budget will go to the Board of Governors on June 16th.
- LaDonna is chair of the Staff Senate Work/Life committee while Dale Moore is recuperating. Paul Kincaid was given a list of names for the University Work/Life Committee.
7. Committee Reports
- LaDonna gave a short report on the Work/Life webinar that some of Staff Senate attended. Presenters were basically from private companies (Deloitte & Allstate). Discussion revolved around several issues such as flextime, child care, elder care and diversity.
- Budget & Priorities committee met yesterday and gathered the applications for the drawing for vacant Staff Senate positions Ben has some different ideas on how to use the Budget & Priorities committee. We will find out Ben's suggestions when he returns to work.
- Tara Horton announced that she will be vacating the post of Chair of the Public Relations committee. She will finish doing the mailing.
- Diana said that most of the members of the Veterans Recognition Committee have retired or left the university. This committee will be seeking new members. If you have any questions, please contact Myril Stewart.
- October 6, 2006 is Denim Day.
8. New Business
Pulled names of new members for the FY07 & Staff Senate:
- Classification #4 had one applicant - Norm Griffith.
- We had one applicant for Classification #6; however Staff Senate does not have a vacancy in that classification.
- Executive Classification #1 - Tara Horton pulled Lenord McGownd
- Secretarial, Classification #5 - Scott Walker pulled Nancy Harris & Virginia Andrews
- Service, Classification #7 - Terrill Harvey pulled Steven Lowery
- Support Professional, Classification #3 - Marlene Faherty pulled Patrick Day, SuzAnn Ferguson, Cindy Barnett and Casey Comoroski
- Student Affairs Representative - Roger Duclos pulled Kelley Barnts
Voting on the new members will be at the next meeting
The next regular meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on June 1, 2006 in Plaster Student Union Room 313.
The meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Alvers, Staff Senate Secretary