March 2006 Minutes
1. Call to Order
A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, PSU 313 at 1:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Diana Garland, Ben Boslaugh, Sue Alvers, Steve Mills, Sara Clark, Norm Griffith, Tara Horton, Dennis Perry, Scott Walker, Sherry Adams, Marline Faherty, LaDonna Hansen, Dale Moore, Jason Rhea, Patrick Byers, Wendy Ferguson, Terrill Harvey, Sheila Morris, Tami Sutton
Absent: Veronica Adinegarra, Guy DeVault, Glen Fletcher, Thomas Norrell, Carter Allen, Earle Doman, Barb Jones, Rhonda Ridinger, Darlene Bailey, Roger Duclos, David Liss
Guests: Fred Marty
Diana Garland, Chair, presided and Sue Alvers recorded the proceedings of the meeting.
3. Guest Speakers
Fred Marty, Associate Vice-President for Administrative Services, gave a presentation about Classroom Utilization on the Springfield Campus. During the 2005 Space Audit, they found that 33% of space is used for teaching or administrative purposes while 67% is used for auxiliaries, support and circulation (e.g. hallways, bathrooms, etc.)
4. Announcements
Diana Garland reminded everyone about:
- Membership Drive is gearing up. The notice to staff members will be out shortly
- Wall of Fame nominations due March 15th.
5. Minutes
The minutes of the open, regular meeting of February 2, 2006 was approved
6. Officers Report
- There was not Board of Governors meeting. The February meeting was a "phone" meeting.
- The Staff Senate Executive Committee did not meet with the President in February.
- President Nietzel met with Greg Burris. Greg submitted the budget. Dr. Nietzel had a couple questions. Staff Senate submitted two budgets – one for operations and one for the survey. Dr. Nietzel wants to add both budgets together. Budgets will be finalized by March 27, 2006.
- Staff Senate Office is located in Sicefluff 187A. Transfer of data port and telephone line is to be today.
- Diana asked for input for the upcoming Board of Governors report. The March meeting is in West Plains.
- Ben asked that everyone fill out the Recreation Center Survey.
- The USA Program and Staff Senate plan to work together for upcoming Staff Senate recruiting. Diana will send out a recruiting email to both programs.
- Ben asked for ideas or comments pertaining to consumer driven health care plans.
Committee Reports
Terrill Harvey emailed the Nutrition & Weight Management Planning Task Force minutes to everyone. Minutes are also located online.
All programs from the Public Affairs Committee are scheduled for the rest of the semester.
Next Staff Bowling event is March 17, 2005 from noon – 1pm. Staff Bowling is the third Friday of each month. February's event had about 30-35 people.
7. New Business
Compensation Task Force: Phil Nichols said that the task force recommendation is sitting on the President's desk.
Billy Tharpe from Safety & Transportation wants to participate in a three day walk in Kansas City to benefit breast cancer. Billy's asked for the Senate's support. It was noted that we cannot use Staff Senate funds for the and suggested that he contact The Standard to advertise that he needs support.
LaDonna is to check prices on small Missouri State pins for Staff Senate members. Name badges run around $1.80.
The next regular meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on April 6, 2006 in Plaster Student Union Room 308.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Alvers
Staff Senate Secretary