July 9, 2009 Minutes
1. Call to Order - Konya Knackstedt called to order the regular meeting of Staff Senate at 1:30PM on July 9, 2009 in Plaster Student Union, 314.
2. Roll Call - Tabitha Haynes conducted roll call.
Present: Konya Knackstedt, Tabitha Haynes, Cindi Barnett by proxy (Jessica Joubert), Debbie Casada, Donald Clark, Corbin Campbell, Lynette Walker, Terry Plank, Lisa Langston by proxy (Doug Greiner), Barbra Jones, Charles Klarr, Jamie Trussell by proxy (Dana Popp), Cathy McFall, Janelle Melton, Dale Moore, Erin Parrish, Dennis Perry, Teresa Steele, Dixie Williams, Kyle Yates
Absent: John Avery, Troy Black, Debbie Branson, Sue McCrory, Michael Frizell, Marian Green, Nadine Jones
Guests: Lenord McGownd
3. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the May 7, 2009 meeting were approved. Motion made by Teresa Steele, seconded by Cathy McFall. There were no June minutes due to the Staff Senate picnic.
4. Welcome and Introduction of New Senator
- Senators introduced themselves.
5. Approval/Appointment of Officers
- Chair-elect – Tabitha Haynes, Secretary – Cindi Barnett
- Faculty Senate Representative – Christopher Herr
- Student Government Representative – Christopher Polley
- Parliamentarian – vacant
Looking for someone who is interested in being Parliamentarian. Konya approached a couple of people but they were not interested. This position needs to be someone who is not currently on Staff Senate. It was requested to let Konya know if anyone knows of someone.
Motion to approve made by Lynette Walker, seconded by Charles Klarr and Teresa Steele
6. Old Business - No old business to discuss.
7. New Business
- Committees - Looking for people to sign up on various committees. Sign-up sheet at front table or email Tabitha Haynes if you want to be on a committee. Website will be updated with new committee roster. Konya listed and gave a brief description of each committee.
- All Staff Luncheon - During an Executive Committee meeting with President Nietzel, it was mentioned that the All Staff Luncheon will no longer exist as it has in the past. There is a committee looking at alternatives such as a light breakfast or other options along those lines. This decision was made due to budgetary concerns. We will still have the awards. If senators have suggestions, let Konya know and she will share the information.
8. Other Committee Reports
- Smoke Free Campus Ad-Hoc Committee – Terry Plank/Tabitha Haynes reported. Terry Plank presented the current status of the Smoke/Tobacco Free Campus proposal. We are in the final stages of research and have started a draft proposal. This draft will be emailed to senators by Tuesday of next week for their review and input. Konya commented that based on her discussion with the President at the Executive Committee meeting, the President was not on board with such a proposal 4 years ago but is now. The President also mentioned how other schools were following a 5-year phase-in plan but that he would prefer to have a shorter 1-3 year plan. The President was going to present this to Administrative Council. Dale Moore suggested that this be a joint resolution with Faculty Senate and the Student Government Association. Dennis Perry suggested that we look at the current alcohol policies of Residence Life and Services in regard to enforcement to see what has worked and not worked.
- Bylaws Committee – Tabitha Haynes reported. Tabitha Haynes reported that Lynette Walker will be taking over as Chair of this committee. The committee met and made a few revisions but no major content changes. There was discussion amongst the committee about changing the current manner in which senators are chosen; however, after discussion, it was determined that there were more barriers to consider. This was tabled for later discussion. The bylaws will be sent to all senators for review and input.Staff
- Senate Picnic – Konya Knackstedt reported. Konya Knackstedt reported that approximately 170 people sent an RSVP to attend but only approximately 140 people attended the picnic. Staff Senate had to pay for those who did not show. After the picnic, people suggested that we try to get food donated from Qdoba, Buckingham’s, etc. Konya suggested that the committee start working on the picnic earlier next year so that other options can be explored.
- Executive Committee – Konya Knackstedt reported. 1) The All Staff Luncheon – see above for report, 2) Smoke Free Campus – see above for report, 3) The committee reported to the President that Staff Senate is opposed to the Cultural Competencies component being added to the ADP. The President commented that they are trying to figure out the best way to incorporate this into employment, 4) The committee reported the appreciation and lack of appreciation of the Tent Theatre Staff Appreciation night. Several staff members complained about only 2 tickets per household, how tickets were distributed, among other things (not specifically detailed). It was suggested that the Staff Activities Committee work on the details of this event and make sure that it is consistent and publicized and clear and accurate as possible, 5) In March, possible changes to the Staff Excellence Award were discussed. There currently is no Staff Senate representative on this committee and it is being questioned as to whether that should be the current Chair or the past Chair. Konya is still waiting on an answer. Several suggestions have been made regarding the award: 1) the recipient should be notified in advance so that they know to attend, 2) a brief statement should be read during the awards ceremony to explain why the person is receiving the award, 3) the award should not be based on the person’s job at the University but, for going above and beyond their daily job duties, 4) awards should be divided out by divisions with each division of the University being represented (it was reported that in the past, many awards went to the same division each year), 5) if someone from a department won the award, another person from that same department should not win the award the following year, 6) reduce the number of awards from six to three and use the dollars for other Staff Senate related needs. The number of awards will remain at six.
- Tent Theatre – Cathy McFall reported. There were 325 seats for Altar Boyz, 185 people on a wait list, COAL sponsored the event and provided an appetizer buffet prior to the show, it was well attended even though the weather was not the best.
- Denim Day – Cathy McFall reported. Cathy reported that she will be stepping down as Chair of this committee. In the past, this event has raised $2,000-$3,000 for breast cancer awareness but last year (2008), the event raised $9,700. The event is well-established but the new Chair can create new events. This is one of two philanthropies on campus that are included in the advertising policy. 80% of monies raised stay in the local area. The event is the first Friday of October.
9. Adjournment- Dale Moore motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dixie Williams
Next Meeting: August 6, 2009, 1:30PM, PSU 313
Minutes submitted by Tabitha Haynes