January 2006 Minutes
1. Call to Order
A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, PSU 313 at 1:30 p.m
2. Roll Call
Present: Diana Garland, Ben Boslaugh, Steve Mills, Sara Clark, Patrick Byers, Darlene Bailey, Guy DeVault, Earle Doman, Wendy Ferguson, Norm Griffith, Tara Horton, Dale Moore, David Liss, Wendy Ferguson, Thomas Norrell, Dennis Perry, Scott Walker, LaDonna Hansen, Jason Rhea
Absent: Sherry Adams, Barb Jones, Rhonda Ridinger, Carter Allen (SGA), Phyllis Kenney, Tami Sutton, Sue Alvers, Glen Fletcher, Veronica Adinegara
Guests: Phil Nichols, Lynn McKenzie, Nancy Hudson, Tom Kane, Don Simpson, Lisa McEowen-LeVangie, Myril Stewart, Sheila Morris, Mark Richter, Paul Langston, Greg Burris, Sheila Ponder, Skip Phelps, Pete Richardson
3. Guest Speaker - Greg Burris Vice President of Administration and Information attended today's Staff Senate meeting to answer questions and to update the Senate on the 2006 Ad Hoc Process Improvement Committee recommendation to the President. Mr. Burris (the chair of the committee) along with many members of the committee presented the following as our institutions Peers of Aspiration.
- Ball State University (Muncie, Indiana)
- College of Charleston (Charleston, South Carolina)
- Grand Valley State University (Allendale, Michigan)
- Illinois State University (Normal, Illinois)
- James Madison University (Harrisonburg, Virginia)
- Louisiana Tech University (Ruston, Louisiana)
- University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, Iowa)
- Towson University (Towson, Maryland)
- University of Montana--Missoula (Missoula, Montana)
- University of North Carolina--Charlotte (Charlotte, North Carolina)
- University of Texas--Arlington (Arlington, Texas)
- University of Wisconsin--La Crosse (La Crosse, Wisconsin)
- Wichita State University (Wichita, Kansas)
Following the discussion on the Peers of Aspiration Mr. Burris opened a discussion on the Recommended Consumer Price Index. The CPI the committee is recommending is the December All-Urban seasonably adjusted CPI. Mr. Burris reminded everyone that this committee is partially made up of members of Compensation Committee and that there is some overlap.
4. Announcements - Diana Garland reminded everyone about;
- The luncheon with Dr. Harry Boyte at noon on February 8th in the PSU Grand Lounge.
- Wall of Fame Nominations due March 15th.
- Public Affairs Grant Money is available fill out application.
- Staff Excellence and Service Awards- Recognized Recipient
- There was brief discussion on how to make nominations
- How to give the awards their own identity
- Could we have a synopsis of each recipient (why they received the award)
- Could the Staff Senate delegate a member of the Award committee to orchestrate getting the plaques ahead of time?
- Update on the office in Siceluff 115 A and the new door
- Update on the Presidents Party and the Salute to Legislators
- Update on the Missouri Insider.
Ben Boslaugh reported on the last Board of Governors, Executive Budget and Healthcare Plans Review meetings.
LaDonna Hansen announced the next activity for the Staff Senate Activities Committee.
Phil Nichols stated that the Compensation Committee"s report is due on the Presidents desk by January 17, 2006.
5. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the open, regular meeting of December 1, 2005 was approved
6. New Business
Between 25 to 30 minutes at the end of the Staff Senate meeting was dedicated to this years budget requests. Diana asked for feedback and ideas for future budget requests. Items discussed were:
- Equipment and Repairs
- Office Supplies and Communication
- Supplies and Services
- Professional and Technical
- Equipment Purchases
- Other
Many items related to the initial set up of an office and the annual activities of the Staff Senate (room rentals, lunch hour lectures, presentations, etc.)
Before adjourning, Diana reminded everyone to submit their requests.
The next regular meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on February 2, 2006 in Plaster Student Union Room 313.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Ben Boslaugh
Chair – Elect Staff Senate