October 3, 2013 Minutes
Presiding Officer: Andrea Weber
Actions of Meeting
Roll Call
- Roll call was conducted using sign-in sheets
- Members in Attendance: Teressa Arnette, Christina Bowles, Kelly Cara, Brian Edmond, Paul Essel, David Falls, Scott Fiedler, Andrew Garton, Sandra Johnson, Sharon Lopinot, Yvette Medley, Janelle Melton, Robert Moore, Allison Overmyer, Charles Schoneboom, Gary Stafford, Andrea Weber, Karen Willde, Dixie Williams, Ryan Wilson
- Proxy Members in Attendance: Eric Shively in lieu of Ian Alaimo
- Members Absent (Excused): Ian Alaimo, Tara Benson
- Members Absent (Unexcused): Erin Trotter, Lindsey Kolb
- Guests in Attendance: Stephen Sharum, Leslie Champagne, Adam Edwards, Tabitha Haynes, Sarah Gray
Call to Order
- Staff Senate had quorum
- Meeting called to order at 11:02 AM by Chairperson, Andrea Weber
Approval of Agenda
- Agenda was emailed prior to meeting
- Motion to approve agenda with no changes by Allison Overmyer
- Second by Robert Moore
- Agenda approved unanimously
Approval of Minutes
- September meeting minutes were emailed prior to meeting
- Motion to approve minutes with no changes by Sharon Lopinot
- Second by Andrew Garton
- September minutes approved unanimously
Chair Report
- Executive Budget report
- 700 additional students – Thanks to admissions and other staff!
- Job now is to retain students
- This increases workload for entire campus
- In January, governor’s approved budget will be released
- Safety Alert on 10/2/13
- Clif is transparent about information on these situations
- Staff needs to look at the notifications to remain aware
- Help students and guests remember to walk in pairs, be mindful of surroundings, etc.
- Campus Climate Survey
- The Staff Senate Executive Board had an opportunity to speak with representative about diversity perceptions, concerns, thoughts at MSU
- Question prompt: How is your experience at MSU?
- Survey will be sent to entire campus, and we hope all senators will participate
- Deferred floor to Tabitha Haynes, DDI
- Handout with information about timeline is available online
- More discussion groups to come – send names to Juan Meraz
- Currently in the information-gathering process – The plan is to finish this fall
- In spring, survey will go out
- Unique to MSU campus
- Unique to SGF community
- Based on meetings from summer and fall
- First, sample surveys will go out in February to see how they go/get feedback
- Final survey to come out in spring
- Hope is to have 3,000-7,000 participants (faculty, staff, and students)
- Allison – What does survey cover? (Tabitha referred to handout)
- What is it like to live and work on the campus/community
- What issues/concerns/challenges need to be addressed to better retain faculty, staff, and students
- Dixie – Encourage your colleagues to participate. We all need to respond so that our perspectives are heard. Include colleagues who don’t have access to computers. Survey is not just about race/ethnicity. Inclusion is broad and covers areas such as expectant mothers, women, disability, religion, etc.
- There will be a lot of emails and information going out about this
- Survey responses are confidential and discussion groups are too
- Teressa – How many different surveys?
- One for campus and one for community
- Tests will start in spring then final surveys will go out
- Teressa – How can we help advertise?
- There is a flier that is being published now and can be copied and distributed
- Office of DDI will take care of emails and other promotion
- Teressa – How many different surveys?
- DDI website has a lot of information
- Schedule
- Steering committee suggested readings
- Juan Meraz is chair of steering committee
- Allison – What does survey cover? (Tabitha referred to handout)
- The Staff Senate Executive Board met with Faculty Senate and Student Government Association
executive board members to look at a new campus organization for faculty and staff
- Chinese Faculty and Staff Club (CFSC)
- We approved and submitted the proposal to the Audit Department
- Two weeks ago, Executive Board met with President Smart and Ken McClure and shared
the following concerns:
- Need for Pediatrician or part-time pediatric nurse or practitioner at Taylor Health
and Wellness Center
- Clif approved a committee looking into this
- Staff Senate now needs to create a task force
- Four-day work week during summer months
- Not applicable to all offices (some are essential)
- Each office is permitted to make these types of decisions on their own already
- Check HR website Employee Handbook for more details
- If your department decides to pursue this, Fridays in the summer are a busy day for enrollment services and campus tours
- State of the University Address
- Thinking Bigger and Bolder – eight major goals:
- Need for Pediatrician or part-time pediatric nurse or practitioner at Taylor Health
and Wellness Center
1. Enrollment (continue growth)
2. Funding (continue with new resources)
3. Accreditation
4. Diversity and Inclusion
5. Student Success
6. Facilities/sustainability
7. Athletics
8. Raising our profile (more effectively tell the Missouri State story)
- How does Staff Senate fit in with these?
Chair-Elect Report
- Shared leave pool is starting to be used now
- Total employees contributing hours: 243
- Total eligible employees: 218
- Total hours contributed: 6,432
- Total value of hours contributed: $160,458.68
- Percentage of contributors to pool by employee type
- Exempt – 62.96%
- Nonexempt – 35.80%
- Retired – 1.23%
- Staff Senate polos - $29 for one large shirt (someone needed a different size)
- Still pursuing idea for a staff shirt for campus: to promote pride and raise funds
for scholarship
- Trying to meet with Bookstore to review options
Past Chair Report
- No report
Secretary/Treasurer Report
- Budget balances
- Operating budget (A account)
- Balance started at $2,200
- Bookstore purchase of common reader expense was $313.60
- Mouse pads - $268.34
- Polo shirts - $153.00
- Total cost was $468
- $315 was reimbursed by senators
- Remaining balance is $1,465.06
- Expected/pending expenses (A account)
- Party beads for Homecoming – $42.50
- Denim Day - $1,174 ($930 of which will be reimbursed through shirt purchases)
- Luncheon - $54.00
- Shirts – approximately $930.00
- Ribbon – approximately $190
- Activity budget (B account)
- Net asset carryover from 2013 should be around $705.59
- Petty cash on hand is $125
- Remaining balance should be $831.59 (depends on carryover numbers which will hopefully be confirmed in October)
- Foundation fund (Scholarship account)
- Balance is $3,431.58
- Funds Raised: $168.00
- Funds Spent: $500.00 out of $1,000.00 (including the additional $500.00 in liabilities, which will be paid in scholarships during the Spring 2014 semester – our balance is more realistically $3,931.58)
- Operating budget (A account)
- Bylaws have been approved by University Council and President Smart and are now on our Staff Senate website at https://www.missouristate.edu/staffsenate/bylaws.htm
- Friends Against Hunger change collection update
- Total collected so far is $105.37. Keep it coming!
- An anonymous donor will match all donations made by October 11th
- We will continue to collect change through the end of this month
- Staff Senate funding request form – vote in New Business
- Blog – no update yet, but Kelly will get this up soon
Director of Staff Relations Report
- Checking to make sure all senators are serving on a committee
- Committee Reports
- Bylaws – Kelly Cara
- Website has been updated with approved bylaws
- Denim Days Committee – Andrea Weber
- Successful lunch
- $700 donated to account
- New shirt this year (maroon with “Bears” on it)
- $10 per shirt on sale in the PSU now
- Can keep leftovers and resell next year
- Public Affairs Committee – Gary Stafford
- Adpot-A-Street cleanup
- Oct. 18 from 12-1
- Dec. 16 from 12-1:30 with lunch at Imo’s
- Meals-A-Million
- Friday, Nov. 15, 4-6 PM, at the Expo Center on St. Louis St.
- 10 slots for that day (more volunteers can participate, though)
- Reminder - staff now have three days of personal hours they can contribute to service
- Convoy of Hope
- Oct. 29, 6:30-8:30 PM
- Packing meals – we are assigned an activity upon arrival, so keep an open schedule
- Reach out to Clif who may be on the board for Convoy of Hope
- Shoe Drive on campus
- Isabel’s House gift drive for holidays
- Relay-for-Life in spring
- Ethical Leadership Conference – Staff Senate to include a workshop for staff
- Adpot-A-Street cleanup
- Public Relations Committee – Allison Overmyer
- Promoting Staff Senate
- Face-to-face visits to departmental meetings
- Meeting requests big Staff Senate events
- In monthly email, include info about what ideas/concerns could be brought to senators
- Banner for campus
- Video for MSU marquee
- Is Staff Senate willing to pay for something like this
- Web and New Media can do this for a fee
- Could it be put on discs so people visiting other areas could promote Staff Senate
- Could do a monthly “highlight a senator” for the webpage
- Promoting Staff Senate
- Scholarship Committee – Wren Willde on behalf of Andrew Garton
- Missouri State Way campaign
- We hope to see donations come in as a result of the email
- Missouri State Way campaign
- Staff Activities Committee – Janelle Melton
- No Report
- Staff Excellence – Allison Overmyer
- No Report
- MSU Administrative Professional Forum Committee – Sandy Johnson
- No Report
- Bylaws – Kelly Cara
Old Business
- None
New Business
- Funding request form
- Motion to approve by Gary Stewart
- Second by Teressa Arnette
- Approved by unanimous vote
- Form to go into effect tomorrow, 10/4/2013
- Banner for Staff Senate
- Can be used at events
- Purchase is primarily for Homecoming but will be reused after that
- Fast Signs is best option
- 6 ft. banner by 2.5 ft
- Weather proofed and can include grommets, etc.
- $100-125
- Request is for $150 max. to make that purchase
- Should not include day/time of meetings, because that can change
- Could say “Proud to be Staff”
- Could include a space to attach additional information specific to Staff Senate events
- Motion to approve by Andrew Garton
- Second by Allison Overmyer
- Approved unanimously
- Yvette Medley – Staff Senate Representative on the Public Arts Committee. Please send her input about public art.
- Andrew Garton – Please contribute to the Missouri State Way program through United
Way or Missouri State University foundation page
- Can make donations to Staff Senate scholarship
- Amount doesn’t matter – just give what you can
- Contact Andrew Garton for details
- Request for volunteers:
- concessions event
- Homecoming – Beads sold and raffle
- Request for volunteers:
Open Forum
- Andrea Weber tabled discussion about State of the University Address
- Continue reading the Common Reader
- Motion to adjourn by Yvette Medley
- Second by Teressa Arnette
- Meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm by Chairperson, Andrea Weber
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kelly Cara, Secretary/Treasurer