May 3, 2012 Minutes

Person Presiding: Michael Frizell

Members in Attendance: Sandra Arthur, Kelly Barnts, Scott Fiedler, Sandra Johnson, Nadine Jones, Charles Klarr, Erin Parris, Holly Robison, Matthew Stublefield, Andrea Weber, Kirk Whittington, Dixie Williams

Guests in Attendance: Charles Schoneboom, Yvette Medley, Kelly Cara, Trish Sharpensteen, Melissa Osten, Ryan Reed

Actions of Meeting

Agenda Item: Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Michael Frizell at 11:05 a.m.

Agenda Item: Approval of Agenda

The agenda was emailed in advance of the meeting. There were no changes to the agenda and it was approved as sent.

Agenda Item: Approval of Minutes (3/1/2012)

Due to a lack of quorum in April, there were no minutes from that meeting and the March minutes had not yet been approved.These minutes were emailed in advance of the meeting. There were no changes requested and the minutes from the March meeting were approved unanimously.

Agenda Item: Committee Reports

Executive Budget Committee

Chairperson Michael Frizell reported on the Executive Budget Committee. Normally, the Staff Senate Chair would leave this committee at the end of their term, but due to the changing nature of the upcoming budget, he will be remaining on that committee. Once the budget is more settled, he will step down from that committee. Until then, he will continue to serve as Staff Senate's representative to the committee and will report to the senate regularly.

Staff Activities

There will be an Ice Cream Social on May 24th, at which tickets for the staff day at the Cardinals baseball stadium can be purchased.

Reservations for Staff Appreciation Night at Tent Theater will open on June 5th.

Scholarship Committee

The committee met in the last month and awarded two scholarships of $500 each to two dependents of staff. These were Brittney Donellen and Jacob Franka. In addition, the committee discovered that an error in the agreement with the Foundation was preventing the awarding of scholarships, and this error has been corrected. The committee has requested that more information about the scholarship be added to the Staff Senate website.

The committee has established the goal of raising $1000 in the next year.

Public Affairs Committee

The committee has been joined by Donna Hanley and is seeking 2 more members.

Agenda Item: Voting for 2012-2013 Executive Committee members

Due to having only one nominee for each seat (Secretary and Chair-Elect), no presentations were given by the nominees. Ballots were distributed and counted by Secretary Matthew Stublefield and guest of the senate Kelly Cara. The following senators were elected to next year's Executive Committee:

Chair-Elect: Andrea Weber

Secretary: Scott Fiedler


Secretary Matthew Stublefield will have a report from the Employee Assistance Program Committee at the next Staff Senate meeting. This committee has not yet met, but will do so during the next month.

Senator Scott Fiedler reported that the Shared Leave Pool will open for donations within the next couple of weeks.

Guest of the senate Kelly Cara asked if the time and/or day of Staff Senate meetings would change in the future. Chairperson Michael Frizell stated that they likely would, but that it would be at the discretion of next year's Executive Committee.

Agenda Item: Adjourn

The next meeting of the Staff Senate will be at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 7th in PSU 313.