March 3, 2005 Minutes
1. Call to Order - A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, West Ballroom at 1:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call -
Present - Sue Alvers, Sara Clark, Norm Griffith, Barb Jones, Dennis Perry, Sherry Adams, Marline Faherty, Terrill Harvey, Scot Walker, Tami Sutton, Ben Boslaugh, Diana Garland, Tara Horton, David Liss, Steve Mills
Absent - Veronica Adinegara, Wendy Ferguson, Dennis Perry, Jason Rhea, Phyllis Kenney, Glen Fletcher, Earle Doman, Guy DeVault, Monya McMichael, LaDonna Hansen
Guests - Betty Lewis, Sara McAllister for Rhonda Ridinger (Faculty Senate, non-voting), Phil Nichols, Lisa McEowen LeVangie
3. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the open, regular meeting of February 3, 2005, were approved.
Diana Garland gave a brief report on the meetings she attended during the last month. Budget material for FY06 was presented at the Presidents Cabinet meeting with a possibility of 6.6% increase in student fees. Also included in the budget was a 2% raise, an additional amount for estimated fringes and a separate amount for step increase and one for reclassifications.
Diana reported that the February 17, Traywick dedications went very well. She also reminded everyone that the winners of the tickets for the Centennial Gala are listed on the web.
Salaries and student fees were discussed at the February Board of Governors meeting. The Board thanked the Staff Senate for its Public Affairs involvement.
UPAC reviewed several chapters at its quick meeting on February 22, including the Graduate Program Chapter and the Research Chapter. Diana expressed concern that the Research Chapter omitted staff. All the chapters are on the website for review. If you have any comments, please email.
Skip Phelps and Earle Doman did a Founders Day presentation at the Staff Senate lunchtime lecture on February 24. Kathy Pulley discussed the Public Affairs Conference at the presentation and encouraged everyone to participate.
4. Committee Reports
- Budget and Priorities Committee, Phil Nichols-Chair - Phil stated that the Budget & Priorities Committee discussion revolved around the climate survey. The committee wants to make sure that if a survey is done, then the Administrative Council and Board of Governors will follow through with the results. If a climate survey is done, then a 1995 survey can be used to establish a baseline to compare. Lisa McEowen-LeVangie mentioned that the Faculty Senate conducts their survey every other year.
- Public Relations Committee, Tara Horton-Chair - Tara Horton stated that she plans to call Greg Onstot to see about the new university logos. Wants to see what they will look before the committee goes forward with a new Staff Senate logo.
- Veterans Recognition Committee, Myril Stewart-Chair - Phil reported for Myril that they found a speaker for Veterans Day 2005. The theme is "Women in Service". The Grant process has been started for funding along with looking at other areas to receive funds
- Staff Activities Ad Hoc Committee, LaDonna Hansen-Chair - Barbara Jones reported that the Valentine cookie sale was a huge success. The committee sold 24 mega cookies and 23 packages of small cookies. The committee's thinking of doing this every year..
- Faculty Senate, Norm Griffith and/or Allison Crocker - Norm stated that the Faculty Senate approved the following programs: BS in Socio-Political Communications, BS in Public Relations, accelerated masters in Biology, and Doctor of Physical Therapy. Chris Curtis asked the senates help in
- Health Care Committee, David Liss-Memeber - The Health Care Committee has been learning about Consumer Driven Health Plans. They've had one meeting to explain what CDHP means. The committee has more meetings scheduled to prepare for Luminous visit.
- Vacation Accrual Committee, Sherry Adams - Sherry stated that the subcommittee recommended that July 1, 2005 as the appropriate
time to implement the new accrual policy for classified staff. Needs to go to Administrative
Council for approval first before Board of Governors. There was one additional proposal
vacation time loss. The policy would allow a rollover of five days to the next year instead of losing. - Contributions Process Taskforce, Phil Nichols - Greg Burris asked that the Staff Senate take the lead to help come up with a university policy for humanitarian issues. First meeting was February 25, 2005. Discussion was to define what is a catastrophic event.
5. New Business
Diana Garland appointed Barbara Jones to the Food Services Committee.
Ben Boslaugh asked the Senate to approve a resolution to dedicate a tree on Founders
Day. The resolution was discussed and approved. Staff Senate is invited to the dedication
and have the senate's picture taken to put into the time capsule.
The next regular meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. on April 7, 2005 in Plaster Student
Union Room 313.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Alvers
Staff Senate Secretary