June 2, 2005 Minutes
1. Call to Order - A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, PSU 313 at 1:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call -
Present - Ben Boslaugh, Davis Liss, LaDonna Hansen, Scott Walker, Terrill Harvey, Sue Alvers, Guy DeVault, Norm Griffith, Sara Clark, Darlene Bailey, Jason Rhea, Phyllis Kenney, Tara Horton
Absent - Diana Garland, Chris Curtis, Glen Fletcher, Tami Sutton, Allison Crocker, Dennis Perry, Marline Faherty, Veronica Adinegara, Barb Jones, Earle Doman, Sherry Adams, Steve Mills
Guests - Dale Moore, Lisa McEowen-LeVangie
3. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the open, regular meeting of May 5, 2005, were approved
4. Committee Reports -
- Staff Activities Ad Hoc Committee, LaDonna Hansen-Chair - LaDonna gave an update on the upcoming lunch hour social that will be held next Friday, June 10th on the east side of McDonald on the patio from noon until 1:30 pm. There will be games besides eating. Tickets are on sale for $6.
- Health Care Committee, David Liss-Member - David reported on the committee's 2006 recommendation. The committee recommended that prescriptions will continue to be separate from the health care plan. Employees must take the generic equivalent (exact same drug as brand name). Limits for out of pocket prescription expense has increased from $1000 to $1500. The committee also recommended that deductibles for the health care plan be increased to $750.
- Budget & Priorities Committee, Phil Nichols-Chair - Phil distributed a handout on suggested talking points (shared governance, salary and benefits, and quality of life) for the July 14th Budget & Priorities meeting with Dr. Neitzel.
5. Old Business -
Phyllis Kenney was appointed to serve on the Third Public Affairs Week Planning Committee.
Sara Clark announced that the Staff Senate Time Capsule scroll is on display in the front of the room. The final scroll should be ready by the end of next week. It will also be on display in the Library.
A discussion ensued about whether Ron Boaz could be appointed to an out-of-category senate seat. After the discussion, the senate voted down Ron Boaz's appointment to that seat.
The Denim Days Budget Request was withdrawn.
The budget request for the Public Affairs Committee was discussed during this portion of the meeting. The request is for $990.00 for funding the Lunch Hour Lecture Series for Fall 2005 – Spring 2006. The funding was discussed and approved.
6. New Business -
A motion was made and seconded to stop distributing the Staff Senate Missouri State
mugs to new hires after the university name change. The motion passed.
Motion was made and seconded to distribute Staff Senate Missouri State mugs to the
first 100 staff who attend the picnic on June 20, 2005. The mugs that are left over
will be distributed to the past and current staff that have worked at the university
the longest. The motion passed.
Tara Horton handed out a list of gift suggestions and asked senators to put a check by the suggestion that they liked best and return the list to her.
The next regular meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on July 7, 2005 in Plaster Student Union Room 313.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Alvers