June 7, 2012 Minutes
Meeting Date: June 7, 2012
Presiding Officer: Michael Frizell
Members in Attendance: Erin Parrish, Sandra Arthur, Nadine Jones, Erin Trotter, Sandy Johnson, Andrea Weber, Dixie Williams, Scott Fiedler
Guests in Attendance: Melissa Osten, Deb Dishman, Sharon Lopinot, Rick Kindhart, Kelly Cara, Susan Willingham, Charles Shoneboom, Yvette Medley, Janelle Melton, Cindy Barnett, Brenda Stewart, Donna Hanley
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Michael Frizell at 11:05am
Approval of Agenda:
The agenda was emailed in advance of the meeting and was approved with no changes
Approval of Minutes: From May 3, 2012
Change Erin Parris to Erin Parrish. Approved with no other changes
Presentation: Update on Foster Recreation Center
- Cindi Barnett, Director of Campus Recreation
The building process is going well. There is no “set” opening date, but are hoping for some time in July. The will have a soft opening (not a huge announcement with ceremony – just a quiet announcement and the doors will open). Faculty and staff will want to come over that first day and sign up for membership. The grand opening is scheduled for August 20-24 and the dedication is set for Oct. 26th (Homecoming). - Membership can be done through payroll deduction, but cannot be done pre-tax. That option is not allowed.
- Fees for staff/faculty: In 2007, students voted to assess themselves a fee to use
the center. That fee was enough to cover building debt and operating costs, but not
enough to also cover programs and services offered. SGA then passed a resolution stating
that staff/faculty should pay no more than the student fee – currently $18.00/month.
You do not need to be a member of the center to take classes. There are additional fees for classes and activities with different rates for members and non-members.
Locker Rentals: $26.00/semester, and that includes towel service. Towel service without a locker is $1.00/day.
Contracts: There are no contracts. You sign up for payroll deduction and it will continue until you cancel it. However, you can cancel and then start up again at any time. - Family access: Your membership can include 1 household member at least 18 years old. That additional member does not need to be related to you, but must have the same physical address. Children are allowed in the buildings on Friday evenings, Saturday all day, Sunday part of the day. Children cannot use the fitness equipment but can use the climbing wall, pool, etc. Fee for children is $3.00 per day and includes the climbing wall. Guest passes are $7.00 per day with an additional $3.00 each for BearFit or the climbing wall.
- Community Access: Memberships are not available to the general public. Members must be affiliated with the University. The Rec Center may be reserved for special events such as project graduation, birthday parties, etc.
- Check-In process: Access will be closely monitored and members will need to swipe their ID card for the gate to open. There will only be one entrance to the building. All other doors have alarms.
- Special Private work-out rooms: There is a quiet area in the fitness center as requested by some individuals. There were requests for a separate work-out room for certain groups. The building design is very open, but there is a separate area upstairs that is off to the side and would provide some privacy. You can get a complete workout in that area. Departments may reserve space (charges apply) in the Rec Center for meetings. Events with more than 50% student participation will not pay a reservation fee.
- $150.00 Wellness Benefit: staff/faculty can use our yearly $150.00 wellness benefit toward any wellness program, class, activity, massage, personal training, etc.
- Alumni: Can purchase a membership if they are an active alumni which requires a donations of $25.00 to Missouri State. The yearly membership Foster Recreation Center membership would then be $26.00/month. Alumni who have graduated and paid the student recreation center fee while a student will receive credits for membership.
- Free passes: Anyone who received a free pass from the wellness incentives or any other event can use that pass even if it’s expired. They will extend the expiration dates to make sure they can still be used. The deadline to activate the Employee Wellness Incentive for a 3-month membership to the Rec Center has been extended to January 4, 2013.
Staff Activities Report:
- Ice Cream Social: Only had 56 people this year. Timing may have been off with many staff on vacation. We did receive some scholarship donations!
- Tent Theatre: Everyone had fun, and many staff attended. Good event.
- Cardinals Tickets: Need to sell 250 tickets, and so far we have sold 110. More information will go out today via the web, blogs, etc. to try and increase sales. Contact Janelle Melton for tickets. Deadline is June 12th!
- Adopt-a-Street: We will be renewing our Adopt-a-street project this year. The project requires 3 dates during the year where we will go clean up our street. We discussed possible dates, and it was suggested that we don’t do the hottest part of summer and consider a date right before opening in the fall so it looks nice for parents and students. Dixie will work with the Public Affairs committee to identify dates and will notify staff senate.
- July Meeting Date:
July Meeting Date:
July 12th at 11:00am. Location TBA
Closing Remarks:
Mike Frizell started with “I’ve got nothing”, but then provided some great remarks for the Staff senate to close the year.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:55am