July 7, 2005 Minutes
1. Call to Order - A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, Room 313 at 1:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call -
Present - Diana Garland, Steve Mills, Marline Faherty, Sara Clark, Phil Nichols, Ben Boslaugh, Dennis Perry, Norm Griffith, Scott Walker, Dennis Perry, Sue Alvers, LaDonna Hansen, Phyllis Kenney, Wendy Ferguson, Jason Rhea
Absent - Allison Crocker, David Liss, Guy DeVault, Tami Sutton, Barb Jones, Earle Doman, Jason Rhea, Tara Horton, Darlene Bailey, Glen Fletcher, Sherry Adams, Terrill Harvey
Guests - Dale Moore, Lisa McEowen-LeVangie
3. Approval of Minutes - The meeting did not have quorum, so approval of minutes and other business were tabled.
4. New Business -
Diana Garland announced that after she forwarded 5-6 names, Greg Burris appointed
Lisa McEowen-LeVangie and Lyn McKenzie to represent Staff Senate on the Process and
Improvements Committee (PIC).
Diana stated that she will be sending ten volunteer names Wellness Program Committees. Also, the President Cabinet meetings were cancelled by Dr. Keiser, so she mentioned that she's been out of the loop. Diana and Ben met with Dr. Keiser prior to Dr. Keiser's departure. They gave him a scroll and discussed the future.
The Veterans Recognition Committee is now a stand alone university committee. All the Staff Senate monies allocated for the Veterans Committee will be transferred out of the Staff Senate accounts. Dr. John Strong is in charge of the new Veteran committee. Diana asked that everyone think about whether the Staff Senate's Veterans Committee should continue.
The Staff Senate lunch with Dr. Nietzel is on hold; however, the Budget & Priorities Committee is to meet with Dr. Nietzel on July 14, 2005.
5. Committee Reports -
- Staff Activities Ad Hoc Committee, LaDonna Hansen-Chair - LaDonna stated that the lunch hour social was a success with 53 attending the event. The Committee is hoping to have an ice cream social before classes start. The mini-scrolls are being printed and will be sold for $15 a piece. The committee appreciates any ideas for future event.
- Health Care Committee, Ben Boslaugh for David Liss-Member - The Health Care Committee will present it's recommendation on next years health care plan to the Administrative Council. Some of the changes are: Deductible for single increased from $700 to $800; Family deductible increase from $1400 to $1600; total out of pocket expense for single increased from $2400 to $2800; and out of pocket family increased to $5600. This will be presented to the Board of Governors on July 22, 2005.
- Budget & Priorities Committee, Phil Nichols-Chair - Phil distributed a handout on suggested talking points (shared governance, salary and benefits, and quality of life) for the July 14th Budget & Priorities meeting with Dr. Nietzel.
Diana mentioned that there are many structural changes going on at Missouri State and asked those in attendance to think about the pros and cons of changing to an elected senate. A long discussion ensued.
The next regular meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on August 4, 2005 in Plaster Student Union
Room 313.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Alvers
Staff Senate Secretary