February 7, 2013 Minutes
Approved Minutes
Meeting Date: February 7, 2013
Presiding Officer: Scott Fiedler
Members in Attendance: Scott Fiedler, Kelly Cara, Catherine Beck, Sandra Johnson, Holly Robison, Charles Schoneboom, Erin Trotter, Steven Turner, Kirk Whittington, Matthew Stubblefield, Christina Bowles, Yvette Medley, Gary Stafford, Kathy Gibson, Brenda Stewart, Ryan Reed, Sandra Arthur, Andrew Garton, Allison Overmyer.
Members Absent (Excused): Dixie Williams, Andrea Weber.
Members Absent (Unexcused): Teressa Arnette, Corbin Campbel.
Guests in Attendance: Bruce Altic - Residence Life, Jennifer Meyer - Psychology, Julie Panza - Professional Education Advisement, Michael Frizell - Bear CLAW, Charles Klarr - Media, Journalism and Film, Janelle Melton - Honors College, Nancy Gordon - Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Scott Fiedler at 11:03am
Approval of Agenda:
Moved by Senator Ryan Reed, seconded by Senator Gary Stafford
Unanimously approved
Approval of Minutes:
- Senator Yvette Medley moved to amend a comment/question from last month’s minutes that was attributed to her: "Is the policy listed somewhere on the website?"
- Secretary-Treasurer Scott Fiedler suggests striking Senator Medley's name but keeping the question
- Senator Ryan Reed moves to approve as amended; seconded by Senator Allison Overmeyer
- Unanimously approved
Chair’s Report:
- Chair Dixie Williams is traveling this month, so Secretary-Treasurer Scott Fiedler is chairing
- Recognition of outgoing senators
- Nadine Jones, Charles Klarr, Mary Anne Wood, Kyle Yates, Erin Parrish
- Ex-Chair Michael Frizell
Chair Elect Report:
- Nothing to report
Secretary/Treasurer Report:
- Budgets are in order, money is where it is supposed to be, and we have reporting capabilities now
- A Account (Operating budget)
- Start with $2,200
- Have purchased items for New Staff Orientation
- Have purchased certificates to recognize outgoing senators
- Have purchased vests for Adopt-a-Street program
- Budget is now at $281.22
- No other expenses are anticipated
- B Account (Income and revenue)
- 06 Account associated with Staff Excellence Awards
- 05 Account for use by Staff Senate
- Scott has been making sure that money generated from fundraisers and what not goes into the 05 account
- Amount collected from denim Day was $2900.16
- After expenses, 2850.87 donated
- Balance is at $840.84
- C Account (Foundation for Staff Senate Scholarship)
- $2,264.01 is currently in the account
- Already reflects the $500 disbursed for scholarship recipients
- $602.01 raised this year so far, with more fundraisers to come
- Senator Elections
- Start in March
- Bylaws state
- On March 15th, a call for nominations is sent to the campus
- Nominations close on April 15
- Membership is based on majority vote by job families as determined by Human Resources
- Letter from Staff Senate is sent to new senators informing them of their status by June 15
- If an area is not represented for 2 months, the Executive Board will appoint someone
- Terms are for 3 years, from July 1 to June 30
- Elections for Executive Committee
- Nominations for each office will be accepted at the March and April meetings
- Chair-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer positions are open
Director of Staff Relations Report:
- Along with membership and elections, wanted to get a sense from senators if the constituent
list has been useful and utilized
- Senator Ryan Reed: It would be helpful to have pre-written emails to send out to the constituents so we all share the same information
- Senator Sandra Arthur: Had a complaint that we were sending too many emails
- Director of Staff Relations Kelly Cara tries to send no more than 1 a month
- If someone wants to be removed from the constituent list, please remove them
- Senator Brenda Stewart: From the President's side, has received lots of compliments and positive feedback. Also, Brenda Stewart will be notifying the Director of Staff Relations when a new staff person is hired so their senator can be notified at the senator can contact the new employee.
- Guest of the Senate Michael Frizell: May need to add an unsubscription option
- Senator Sandra Johnson: Some Faculty Senate reps will send something to constituents if something specific is going on, but no one will send email regularly
- Senator Holly Robison receives 10-12 emails in reply to each one she sends thanking her for sending updates
- Director of Staff Relations Kelly Cara will start sending templates to senators along with an unsubscription clause. If someone wants to unsubscribe, Director Cara should also be notified so the master email list can be updated
Standing Committee Reports:
Bylaws Committee – Kelly Cara: Nothing to report, but may want to look at the responsibilities and involvement of outgoing chairs
Denim Day Committee – Kelly Cara: Nothing to report this month.
Public Affairs Committee – Gary Stafford and Ryan Reed:
- Guest Speaker: Libby
- Co-chair for Colleges Against Cancer (Relay for Life)
- This year's Relay is April 19th starting at 7 p.m. for 12 hours
- 3 different ceremonies: Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back
- Theme for this year is "Party With A Purpose"
- Reason to address Staff Senate is to raise the Relay's numbers. They had just under 1000 people last year, but they would like to have more this year.
- 75-80% of the attendees are students at this time
- Goal is to have each attendee raise $100
- If interested in donating or creating a team, greatly encouraged
- Adopt-A-Street
- Considering March 8th from 12-1 p.m. or May 10th from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in which we would have two groups, one starting on each end, then meet in the middle for lunch at Imo's Pizza
- Relay for Life
- Do we want to get a team? Or do we want to raise money and submit a contribution to Relay for Life?
- Director of Staff Relations Kelly Cara: What sort of fundraising options would we
- Senator Ryan Reed: They (Relay for Live) don't care how the money comes. You can get pledges based on a certain amount of money for laps, a flat donation... or students sell a lot of things, such as bake sales.
- Committee will put together a team, and Senator Gary Stafford will send an email to Director Cara so it can be sent out to senators and then to constituents
- Public Affairs Conference
- Mary Ann Wood has requested volunteers. They need shuttle drivers, greeters, MCs, people to run microphones, people to handle evaluations... Contact Mary Ann
- Meals a Million will be going on in the fall again
- Ethical Leadership Training -- date in question (sometime in March)
- Convoy of Hope
- February 26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m., we're planning to go and help
- Email Senator Gary Stafford by 2/19 so they have an idea of who is going to be working with them
Public Relations Committee – Brenda Stewart:
- Meeting tomorrow (2/8) and they have developed some PSAs to promote Staff Senate
- Actively attending the New Employee Orientations to represent and promote Staff Senate
- Director of Staff Relations Kelly Cara: Let us know if you need any other resources or information
Scholarship Committee – Andrew Garton:
- Raised $602.01 this year so far (in 7 months)
- Some success for getting monthly payroll deductions (currently $50/month)
- The goal is to raise $1000 for the year. Tonight is a concession stand fundraiser
at the Harlem Globetrotter Event (at the Black Angus concession stand, NW corner of
the arena)
- They get 8.5% of all revenue brought in that night
- Hosting Staff Senate Benefit Luncheon on April 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in PSU Ballroom
West which is also Staff/Faculty Photo Day -- $7.50 per person (but cheaper with BoomerMeals),
and will also accept donations of cash or digital
- Current and future recipients will be in attendance
- Caterer predicts every 100 people through the door, we'll get $400
- Current Staff members as well as their dependents can apply for the scholarship until March 1 at 11:59 p.m.
- Staff Senate Scholarship collection passed around
Staff Activities Committee – Chair Needed:
- Toward the end of the semester there will be Tent Theater Staff Appreciation Night
Staff Excellence in Service Awards Committee – Matthew Stublefield:
- The committee met, selected award recipients, and these awards were delivered at the January Staff Luncheon
- Senator Allison Overmeyer suggests that the committee work to develop templates and examples for people submitting nominations to help improve the robustness of each nomination
MSU Administrative Professional Forum Committee
- Looking for committee members
- Nothing to report
Old Business:
No old business this month.
New Business:
Exec. Board Meeting report by Secretary-Treasurer Scott Fiedler
- Officer Terms:
- As Secretary-Treasurer, it took several months to get everything figured out, and Scott reports that he finally has a handle on it but his term is up in a couple of months
- In some state organizations, officer terms are 2-years so people can get more settled and get more effective, but with 1 year term it lets more people get in and get settled
- Senator Matthew Stublefield pointed out that extending term limits for the Executive Committee positions would require significant revisions to the bylaws, particularly in light of the current 3-year term limit for senators. In addition, because of Staff Senate’s current Executive Committee featuring a Chair-Elect who automatically becomes Chair, thereby giving the Chair-Elect a year to learn the position and transition into the role, extending the term limits to 2 years would mean a new Chair-Elect would be on the Executive Committee a total of 4 years
- Guest of the Senate Charles Klarr stated that, in light of Senator Stublefield’s point, perhaps the term limit be re-evaluated only for the Secretary-Treasurer position
- Senator Ryan Reed asked if perhaps the Chair’s term needed to be longer
- Guest of the Senate Michael Frizell suggested the addition of a “Past Chair” position, whereby Chair would only be 1 year, but the Past Chair would be able to stay and assist with transition better
- Senator Sandra Johnson stated that it would work fine in the Bylaws to have an optional 2 year term for Secretary-Treasurer. Faculty Senate does optional 2 year terms and it has worked very well
- Senator Holly Robison asked if it would it help for Secretary-Treasurer to be split back into two positions. Secretary-Treasurer Scott Fiedler replied that, now that the budget and position duties are all sorted out, the treasurer part is a lot easier. Getting a handle on everything is harder. Secretary-Treasurer Fiedler also started an operations manual so the next person has a resource
- Director of Staff Relations Kelly Cara asked the Senate informally if the Bylaws committee can they move forward with drafting some things for the Senate to consider. The general consensus of the senate appeared to be "Yes."
None this month.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:55am
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held: March 7th in PSU317 (PLEASE NOTE THE ROOM CHANGE - THIS MONTH ONLY) The entire Staff Senate meeting schedule can be found on the Staff Senate Calendar.