December 2, 2004 Minutes

1. Call to Order - A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, Room 313 at 1:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call -

Present - Sherry Adams, Patrick Byers, Belinda Davis, Norm Griffith, Tara Horton, Monya McMichael, Rhonda Ridinger (Faculty Senate), Edward DeLong, Veronica Adinegara, Allison Crocker, Marline Faherty, LaDonna Hansen, Phyllis Kenney, Steve Mills, Tami Sutton, Sue Alvers, Chris Curtis (SGA), Diana Garland, Terrill Harvey, David Liss, Phil Nichols, Scott Walker

Absent - Ben Boslaugh, Earle Doman, Mike Clark, Cheryl Pawling, Sara Clark, Chris Strodtman

Guests - Guy DeVault, Dale Moore, Wendy Ferguson, Dennis Perry, Barb Jones, Jason Rhea

Phil Nichols, Chairperson, presided and Tami Sutton recorded the proceedings of the meeting. Edward DeLong served as Parliamentarian for this meeting.

3. Announcements - Phil Nichols, Chair, began the meeting by introducing the new members. The new members are Barb Jones, Wendy Ferguson, Guy Devault, Jason Rhea and Dennis Perry. Once the introductions were made, the new members were voted upon and passed unanimously. At that time Phil recognized the outgoing members and thanked them for their service. Outgoing members are Phil Nichols, Belinda Davis, Steve Mills, Chris Strodtman, Mike Clark, and Patrick Byers.

4. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the open, regular meeting of November 4, 2004, were approved.

5. Report from the Chair - Phil Nichols - Phil reported that the budget report would be postponed until January due to lack of year-end information from Financial Services. He also gave a brief overview of the November Board of Governors" meeting.

6. Committee Reports -

  • Budget and Priorities, Dale Moore-Member - Dale Moore, member of the Staff Senate Budget & Priorities Committee reported in the Chair"s absence. Dale reported that at the November meeting the committee had worked on compiling a draft response to the questions of the Higher Learning Commission Self-Study for the Staff Senate Budget & Priorities Committee. Once all members of the committee have had an opportunity to review the draft responses, a final version would be developed and forwarded on to Dr. Bill Cheek, Chair of the Higher Learning Commission Self-Study Steering Committee.
  • Denim Day Committee Report, Diana Garland-Member - Diana reported that $195 in additional money had been received toward the Lee National Denim Day campaign to benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation for research.
  • Public Affairs Committee - Phyllis Kenney-Chair - Phyllis reported that the committee's grant proposal had been turned down pending revision and resubmission. The grant committee asked that the proposal be more specific as to a speaker.
  • Public Relations Committee, Tara Horton-Chair - Tara reported that there had been a tie between logos one and six that were presented at last month's Staff Senate meeting. She had brought handouts of the two logos and was once again going to ask the Senate to vote on their favorite. At this time discussion ensued about the uses
    for the logos, i.e., coffee mugs, letterhead, apparel and that whether either logo would be able to be utilized for all purposes. There was a general consensus that the logo should be able to be used for all purposes and that with the possibility of a name change for the University the logo issue should be tabled until the summer.
  • Health Care Committee, David Liss-Member - David gave a brief report.
  • Faculty Senate Report, Norm Griffith and Allison Crocker-Staff Senate Representatives - Norm and Allison each gave a brief report of the November Faculty Senate meeting.
  • Veterans Recognition Committee, Phil Nichols-Chair - Phil reported that the November 11 Veteran"s Day event had been a success. He also reported that he will be stepping down as Chair of this committee and that Myril Stewart, Parking Administration will be replacing him.

7. Unfinished Business - During this portion of the meeting a subcommittee was formed to draft answers to the Higher Learning Commission Self Study Response required of the Staff Senate.

8. New Business - Phil Nichols was presented a certificate of thanks for his service to the Staff Senate by Dr. Diana Garland, 2005 Staff Senate Chair.

The next regular meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. on January 6, 2005 in Plaster Student Union room 313.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:
Tami Sutton
Staff Senate Secretary