April 7, 2005 Minutes
1. Call to Order - A regular meeting of the Staff Senate of Missouri State University was called to order at Plaster Student Union, PSU 313 at 1:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call -
Present - Sherry Adams, Earle Doman, LaDonna Hansen, Phyllis Kenney, Jason Rhea, Scott Walker, Sue Alvers, Marline Faherty, Tara Horton, David Liss, Guy DeVault, Ben Boslaugh, Norm Griffith, Barb Jones, Dennis Perry, Terrill Harvey
Absent - Veronica Adinegara, Allison Crocker, Glen Fletcher, Monya McMichael, Sara Clark, Tami Sutton, Diana Garland, Chris Curtis, Wendy Ferguson, Steve Mills
Guests - Leslie James, Shelia Ponder, Lisa McEowen-LeVangie, Myril Stewart, Phil Nichols, Janet Wright
3. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the open, regular meeting of March 3, 2005, were approved.
Ben Boslaugh reminded the Senate that about the upcoming Public Affairs Conference will be held April 13 – 15, 2005 at the PSU. Ben relayed a message from Diana Garland, President, that there was no new information on the budget process.
4. Guest Speakers - Dr. Bruno Schmidt, Vice President, Academic Affairs and Dale Moore, Centennial Committee
Dr. Schmidt updated the Senate about the FY06 budget process. He stated that all the Vice-Presidents received a spreadsheet and they were told that there will be no additional monies available. The Vice Presidents were told that they can make adjustments to operations as long as the bottom line continued to be the same as FY05. Two percent raises, MOSERS increases and increased medical costs were built into the spreadsheets.
Dr. Schmidt clarified a statement he made earlier about the university and average salaries. He said that when comparing salaries, "average" means that one half the employees are paid more than the "average" and one half of the employees are paid less than the "average". He stated that the university starting salaries should be equal to the starting salaries nationally per job classification.
Dale stated that the deadline for item submission to the Centennial Time Capsule is April 15, 2005. So far there are 35 items that have been submitted. The time capsule will be buried under the seal in Carrington and is to be opened in 2055.
5. Old Business -
The budget request for the Veterans Recognition Committee was discussed. The request is for $500.00 to help support the annual Veterans Day event held on November 11, 2005. The funding was discussed and approved.
6. Committee Reports -
- Health Care Committee, David Liss-Member - The Health Care Committee been busy getting ready for the Board of Governors meeting in May. The University has made the commitment to spend 4.97% of the annual budget for health care and trying to stay away from mandatory premiums. It was decided that going to a consumer driven health care model is too big of a change to implement before January 2006.
- Staff Activities Ad Hoc Committee, LaDonna Hansen-Chair - LaDonna wanted everyone to know that there will be Bowling and Pizza on April 29th from 11:30 to 1:30. She said that the committee will send out an email with more information.
- Budget & Priorities Committee, Phil Nichols-Chair - The committee invited Dr. Neitzel to an upcoming meeting. Dr. Neitzel will be at the April meeting. The climate survey (Long-Range Plan) will only happen with the proper funding. The committee also discussed the smoking ban on campus.
- Public Relations Committee, Tara Horton-Chair - Tara discussed the new logos for the campus.
The next regular meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on May 5, 2005 in Plaster Student Union Room 313.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Alvers
Staff Senate Secretary