Distance Learning Resources
Computer Services Support
The department of computer services offers a campus-wide network of support for distance learning. You will find many resources below to assist you.
Help Desk
Please contact the help desk for more information on the following topics.
- How to create a computer account
- Brightspace assistance
- Campus email
- BearPass
- Reset Your Password
- Wireless Accounts
We are here to assist you. If you have any questions, please contact the computer services help desk.
Helping Your Students
Online Admission and Registration
Library Access and Services for Distance Learners
Missouri State Online Resource List
Distance Education Faculty Update
The Distance Education Faculty Update will provide faculty at MSU with the latest events, polices and developments coming out of the online division, iCourses and MOOCs of Missouri State Outreach. Please give us your feedback and suggestions for how we can improve our communication channel with you, the faculty!
View 2011 Sloan-C report survey results of the and survey info-graphics (scroll to bottom of page to heading "2011")
“7 Strategies to Make Your Online Teaching Better”
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
The mission of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning is to serve the instructional community at Missouri State University by promoting the enhancement of teaching and learning environments for all teaching modalities, improving student learning outcomes by providing guidance and support toward the understanding and implementation of best practices, and providing leadership in the creation and implementation of assessment plans for programs and classrooms, including the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).
Library Information for Distance Learning Faculty
Missouri State University Libraries – Services for Faculty
Online Classroom Group Subscription Information
As a member of our campus community this online resource from Magna Publications is available at no cost to you. Since 1972 Magna has been a leading provider of higher education professional development resources. Sign up for your subscription today!
Interactive Television (ITV)
If you would like training/familiarization for the video conferencing system you will be using, please contact the distance learning engineer listed below at least a week prior to your conference/class to arrange for a training session. Training during your class tends to produce unsatisfactory results.
Phone calls receive priority handling, use email for prior coordination or after conference comment. If there were technical issue/s with your conference and you wish to leave an after conference comment, please be as descriptive as possible.

If there has been prior coordination for your conference we will normally be able to contact the facilitator/technical help for non-Springfield ITV sites for you.
For help outside of normal hours, please coordinate prior to your event.