Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Jamie Atkinson



Dr. La Toya Kissoon-Charles

Assistant Professor, Biology

Dr. La Toya Kissoon-Charles was born in Georgetown, Guyana where she developed a love for water. She received her PhD in Environmental and Conservation Sciences from North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND. Her dissertation research focused on biogeochemical processes in the root zone of wetland plants and in shallow lake ecosystems. Dr. Kissoon-Charles also received post-doc training in biology education research, which created a passion for the science of learning and incorporating more math in her biology courses. 
Dr. Kissoon-Charles is currently an Assistant Professor in the Biology department. Her research group consists of biology undergraduate and graduate students studying plants and pollutants in different wet ecosystems. Her students study relationships between plant community composition of spring-fed ponds and changes in chemical and physical habitat characteristics. Another group of her students study the impacts of mining-contamination on leaf decomposition and macroinvertebrate abundance in Ozark streams. She was awarded an assessment grant to study student views of the use of math in core biology courses.

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