P-Card Allowable Expenses
- Advertising including job posting in newspapers/magazines/online, etc.
- Auto purchases including maintenance, repairs, washes, etc. (University vehicles only)
- Cameras, camcorders, and other audio/visual equipment
- Cleaning and dry-cleaning services
- Commodities on contract
- Conference registration fees, seminar fees, including webinars
- Copy Products (CPI Technologies): Toners, staples and service agreement only
- Custodial supplies
- Electronic data processing supplies
- Food: Refer to P-Card Food Policy
- Foundation funded purchases (excluding scholarships, insurance proceeds and capital
- Freight and expedited (overnight) shipping charges
- Furniture
- Microwave ovens
- Office supplies
- Operating and maintenance supplies
- Park pavilion rentals
- Payment of services to the following vendors:
- Copy Products (CPI Technologies): Toners, staples and service agreement only
- Shred It
- Schendel Pest Services
- Culligan Water of Springfield
- Printing and photography supplies
- Professional memberships, subscriptions, and dues
- Publications and journals
- Printers, scanners, and fax machines
- Refrigerators and freezers
- Small tools
- Software (excluding Adobe, IBM, Microsoft and VMware)
- Tablets, Notebooks, Netbooks, Personal Digital Assistants
- Technical and specialized supplies
- Televisions
- Trophies, medals, plaques, and ribbons
- Travel: Refer to P-Card Travel Policy
- Used parts and equipment