Code of Ethics

All UPPCC certificants as well as applicants and candidates for UPPCC certification must subscribe to the following ethical principles. Breaching this Code of Ethics will be just reason for revocation of UPPCC certification.

  • I will seek or accept a position of employment only when fully in accord with the professional principles applicable thereto, and when confident of possessing the qualifications to serve under those principles to the advantage of my employer.
  • I believe in the dignity and worth of the services rendered by my employment and the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant.
  • I shall be governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of my employer and the public served.
  • I believe that personal aggrandizement or personal profit obtained through misuse of public or personal relationships is dishonest and intolerable.
  • I will identify and eliminate participation of any individual in operational situations where a conflict of interest may be involved.
  • I believe that individuals that possess UPPCC certification should at no time or under any circumstances accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities or other things of value from suppliers, which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions.
  • I will keep my governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts.
  • I will handle all personnel matters on a merit basis. Politics, religion, ethnicity, gender and age carry no weight in personnel administration in the agency being directed or served.
  • I shall not seek or dispense personal favors that are in conflict with my profession. I will handle each administrative problem objectively and empathetically without discrimination.
  • I subscribe to and support the professional aims and objectives of the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council.