Application and Admission Requirements

Application process

The Master of International Affairs program welcomes all students regardless of their undergraduate major. In order for you to be accepted into the Master of International Affairs program you must apply through the central application GradCAS.

Admissions are conducted on a rolling basis, so there is no single deadline for all applicants. However, the following deadlines are relevant to specific groups of applicants:

  • All applicants who wish to apply for a Missouri State Foundation scholarship must submit their admission application by February 14.
  • All applicants who wish to apply for a graduate assistantship must submit their admission application by the end of February.
  • International applicants for fall admission must submit their application by May 1.
  • International applicants for spring admission must submit their application by October 1.
  • U.S. applicants must apply at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.

Please note that students who apply in the fall for spring admission cannot apply for MIA graduate assistantships or Missouri State Foundation scholarships. However, if they are admitted into the program they may apply for assistantships in other university offices.

Apply now

For international students

International students must follow all international student admission directions and apply through the international affairs international student application.

Admission requirements

GRE requirement waived

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) requirement is currently being waived.


The following are entrance requirements to be admitted into the Master of International Affairs program:
