Program Requirements

A minor is possible but not required for an individualized major. You may have enough hours in one of your focus areas to obtain a minor.

You must also complete a senior project.

BA (Comprehensive)




BS (Comprehensive)


Senior Project: Bring your degree to life

Your individualized major finishes with a senior project. Senior projects – such as an art exhibition or a presentation – highlight your unique path of study.

Things to know

  • You identify a potential senior project when you apply for your individualized major.
  • Your senior project must combine all three of your study areas and be applicable to the career you want to pursue.
  • A member of your advisory committee, typically the chairperson, oversees your senior project.
  • Maya Sudduth created an individualized major: social innovation and advocacy media.

  • Maya Sudduth during her senior project presentation. The individualized major requires a senior project.

  • Maya Sudduth’s senior project covered her business plan for her website and marketing strategy.

  • The individualized major gives students a targeted degree for the career they want to pursue.

  • Madison Estabrook designed an individualized major in information analytics and data communication.

  • Madison Estabrook completed her individualized major online. 

  • For her senior project, Madison Estabrook created a portfolio website: She’s an aspiring data scientist.