Part-time Hiring Checklist

The following checklist should be followed when a department is requesting to hire a part-time employee.

  • If a qualified applicant has already been identified by the hiring department, start at #4.
  • If the hiring department needs to recruit qualified applicants, start at #1 to post the position and gather an applicant pool.
  • Departments requesting part-time personnel from an outside temporary service agency must contact the office of human resources prior to contacting an agency. This service is awarded by a formal bidding process and the office of human resources will provide guidance for placing a temporary service request.

Please contact the Office of Human Resources for any assistance to complete the steps in this procedure.

  1. To assist in the recruitment of applicants, the hiring department prepares a posting in the Applicant Tracking System for the vacant position and submits it for approval.
  2. After the posting is approved, the hiring department can recruit applicants to fill the position.
  3. Applicants must apply to the posting and complete an online Missouri State University Employment Application form.
  4. The hiring department will conduct the interviews. Proper interview questions and procedures must be followed when interviewing applicants for part-time positions. The office of human resources can advise the hiring department regarding proper interview questions and procedures.
  5. Before extending a job offer to an applicant, the applicant's references must be checked, and a criminal background check may be required depending on the responsibilities of the position.

    Reference Checks: Approximately two to three professional job references should be completed. If an applicant receives a job reference that is unfavorable or has questionable reference information, the hiring department should contact the office of human resources to review the information before extending a job offer to that applicant.

    Criminal Background Check: Some positions may require a criminal background check including custodial, security, residence life, child care, and positions allowing access to funds, buildings and facilities and as required by law. For positions requiring a criminal background check, the hiring department must contact the office of human resources. The office of human resources will submit a request to the vendor to conduct the criminal background check. Please review the university's Background Check Policy for more details.

  6. When an applicant accepts the job offer, the hiring department must complete a Personnel Action form and submit it for approval.
  7. All newly hired employees must complete I-9, W-4 and direct deposit forms in the hiring department no later than the first day of employment. The hiring department must make sure that the E-Verify process is completed within three days of the start date.
  8. The following forms are required to be completed and submitted to Office of Human Resources for each newly hired employee:
    • Reference checks
    • Personnel Action Form
    • I-9 (no later than the first day of employment)
    • E-Verification (within three days of the first day of employment)
    • W-4 - Submit directly to Payroll 
    • Direct Deposit will be completed on My Missouri State through the Employee Dashboard
  9. All part-time employees are limited to working 1,000/1,559 hours during a rolling 12-month period. The online Part-Time 1,000-1,559 Hours Report is now available for Timesheet Approvers. Timesheet Approvers may view this report via My Missouri State on the Hiring and Employment card. The report will update each pay period and time approvers will have current information on the hours the part-time employees have worked during a rolling 12 month period. Please review the online report, and if the employee(s) are over their allotted amount of hours in a rolling 12 month period reduce their hours accordingly.

    Allotted Hours:
    • 50 % FTE limited to 1,000 hours
    • 74 %FTE limited to 1,559 hours
      Additional details are available on the 1,000 Hour Guide.

    10. When a previous part-time employee is returning to part-time employment at Missouri State, any                    previous time worked as a part-time employee for any department during the most recent 12-                         months period will be counted towards accumulation of the 1,000/1,559 hours worked.