Budget Reporting for Administrators
In order to provide you a better understanding of your budget and the financial information you have been authorized to oversee, please visit read the information below about our Chart of Accounts:
- Our Chart of Accounts structure and what it means in terms of processing reports.
- Management reports made easily accessible from the Bear Finance reporting page.
- Other budget query capabilities available through Self- Service Banner (SSB).

All budget, revenue, expense, and transfer transactions are recorded by Fund, Organization, Account, and Program. Funds identify a set of self-balancing accounts and include hierarchical ownership by Cost Center. Organizations identify a unit of responsibility and are also hierarchical by Cost Center. Accounts classify the type of transaction. Programs classify the function or purpose of the transaction. These elements make up what is often called a FOAP.

For Reporting Purposes, we have four general categories of University Funds: Operating Funds: A02000- Springfield Campus A92000 - West Plains Campus

Organizations identify a unit of responsibility and are also hierarchical by Cost Center.

Accounts classify the type of transaction.

Programs classify the function or purpose of the transaction.