A Summary of the Faculty and Academic Administrators Hiring Process

Applicant Tracking System

The software application that enables the electronic handling of the recruitment, application and hiring process.

Department Approver

Department Head requesting to fill a vacant or new position in their department. Forwards search materials to the Dean for review and approval. In consultation with the Dean/Division Approver or Executive Approver, selects the finalist to be offered the position. Ensures that search processes are conducted in accordance with University guidelines and procedures.

Dean/Division Approver

Forwards approved search materials to the Executive Approver. Assures that search processes are conducted in accordance with University guidelines and procedures.

Executive Approver

Provost or Chancellor approves hiring decisions. Ensures that search processes are conducted in accordance with University guidelines and procedures.

Search Committee

Selection vehicle, which includes the Search Committee Chair. Committee actively engages in recruitment, applicant screening and interviewing, and provides a list of the finalists’ strengths and weaknesses to the Department Approver.

Search Committee Chair

Liaison between the Department Approver, hiring unit, and the Search Committee. Ensures that the search process follows University guidelines, maintains the official record of all committee activities, and serves as the committee spokesperson.

Major Activities in the Faculty Selection Process

1. Complete the Required training (Department Approver and Dean/Division Approver)

  1. Register for Conducting a Legal and Effective Search through the Learning Management System (Required every twelve (12) months for Committee Chairs, Department Approver, and Dean/Division Approvers.)
  2. Register for Applicant Tracking System-Hiring Approvers Training through the Learning Management System, if needed.

2. Create the Unit Hiring Plan (Department Approver and Dean/Division Approver)

3. Create a Master Search File (Department Approver and Search Committee Chair)

  • Include all documentation from the search process.
  • Maintain search files for five years.

4. Review Job Description (Department Approver and Search Committee)

5. Develop a Recruitment and Outreach Plan (Department Approver and Search Committee) Op 1.2-11 3.1

  • Develop a recruitment plan that includes substantial outreach aimed to attract a broad applicant pool, including candidates from underrepresented groups.
  • Develop and implement strategies that will enhance the diversity of the applicant pool. Op 1.2-11 4.1.
  • Prepare the position announcement. Op 1.2-11 3.4.
  • Include proactive language to emphasize the University's commitment to diversity. Op 1.2-11 3.5.
  • Recruitment plan should utilize varied approaches to attract applicants and not be limited only to one or two sources.

6. Enter posting information into the ATS (Committee Chair)

  • Before the job is posted on the MSU website, it must go through the approval process:
  1. The Department Approver
  2. Equity and Compliance
  3. The Dean/Division Approver
  4. The Executive Approver
  5. Human Resources
  6. Financial Services, and finally
  7. Human Resources for posting

7. Create Evaluation Forms and Screening Materials (Search Committee Chair) Op 1.2-11 5.5

8. Screen Applicants (Department Approver and Search Committee) Op 1.2-11 5.0

  • Department Approver and Executive Approver must certify the adequacy of the diversity outreach efforts before the application process is closed. Op 1.2-11 5.1.
  • Screening begins after the published deadline date/date of first consideration.
  • Every applicant shall receive the same level of review.
  • Select a broad range of candidates who meet the minimum requirements and are the most qualified for screening reviews.
  • Use best practices and a methodological approach when evaluating applicants. Op 1.2-11 5.6.
  • Pre-employment inquiries must be job-related. Op 1.2-11 5.7.

9. Screen Applicants (Department Approver/Search Committee) Op 1.2-11 6.0

  • References may be checked before or after interviews at the discretion of the hiring unit, but are required before extending and employment offer.
  • Ask candidates if there is anyone on or off the provided list of references whom the committee should not contact at this time. Op 1.2-11 6.2.
  • Questions should be based on job experience and qualifications. Refer to the General Guidelines regarding reference calls for best practices. Op 1.2-11 6.1.
  • Contact an "off-the-list" professional reference Op 1.2-11 6.2.
  • Document reference checks and keep them in the master search file.

10. Conduct Interviews (Department Approver/Search Committee) Op 1.2-11 7.0

  • Committee Chair submits the recommended candidates for the interview in the ATS, at both the screening interview and on-campus interview stages. Op 1.2-11 7.1.
  • The OIEC reviews the applicant pool before telephone and on-campus interviews.
  • Committee must receive approval from OIEC and all appropriate hiring administrators before scheduling screening and on-campus interviews. Op 1.2-11 7.2.
  • Schedule interviews and make travel arrangements (on-campus interviews).
  • Interviews shall be consistent for all candidates.
  • All questions must be job-related. See Op 1.2-11 7.3. See also: Telephone and Video Conferencing Interviews Op 1.2-11 7.5; On-campus Interviews Op 1.2-11 7.6; and Interviewing Individuals with Disabilities Op 1.2-11 7.7.
  • Include assessment of candidates' diversity leadership skills. Op 1.2-11 7.4 See also Additional Resources and Template Letters.
  • Document all interviews and keep in the master search file.

11. Hiring the Candidate (Department Approver/Dean/Executive Approver) Op 1.2-11 8.0

  • Select the candidate for hire.
  • Complete the Hiring Proposal in the ATS and submit for approval. Once approved, this will generate the Personnel Action Form (PAF).
  • Complete the PAF.
  • The Department Approver may engage in preliminary negotiations regarding the terms of employment with the candidate. Op 1.2-11 8.2.
  • Human Resources will conduct a criminal background check. Op 1.2-11 8.3.
  • The Provost finalizes the appointment letter and obtains acceptance in writing from the chosen candidate. Op 1.2-11 8.4.
  • Communicate the decision to unsuccessful applicants and candidates. Op 1.2-11 8.5.
  • Entering disposition codes in the ATS will trigger and automatic email to unsuccessful candidates and applicants.