LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research

Submit your work to LOGOS!

We are currently taking rolling submissions for Volume 18, to be published FA25. Deadline March 28, 2025. Be sure to view our submission guidelines and instructions. Use this link to submit!

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LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research is dedicated to publishing outstanding work by undergraduates in every academic discipline. Led by our Faculty Advisory Board and Honors College student editors, LOGOS conforms to the highest standards of scholastic integrity in a blind peer-review process.

The Editorial Board welcomes submissions from current and former undergraduate students and collaborative teams, particularly those engaged in departmental honors work, independent study, research assistance, or a competitive summer fellowship.


LOGOS Volume 17 is out!

Pick up Volume 17 at Meyer Library 202.

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Not sure we publish work from your field? Check out these examples and think again!


"Black Lives Matter: The Future" by Angel Ford, vol. 13


"Delimiting the Expressive Function of Punishment" by Lane Rogers, vol. 12

Metals and Jewelry

"Sweet Dreams," by Johanna Typaldos, vol. 11

Cell and Molecular Biology

"Kinetics of HIV-1 Uncoating in Microglial Cells," by Kelsey Ellis and Dr. Amy Hulme, vol. 10


"Permanent Fear," by Janeshae Henderson, vol. 9

Fashion Merchandising and Design

"The Golden Girls Collection," by Reyna Lay, vol. 8


"#EverybodyAllTheTime, A Collaborative Performance-Based Installation," by Sarah Greenbaum, vol. 7

Museum Studies

"A History and Conservation of the Saltillo Sarape," by Elizabeth Haughey, vol. 6


"Is the Stock Market a Viable Short-Term Investment Asset? An Experimental Approach," by Zach Morris, vol. 5


"To Cheat or Not to Cheat: Academic Dishonesty in the College Classroom," by Emily Hendricks, Dr. Adena Young-Jones, and James Foutch, vol. 4


"Click and Clack's Clock: A Look at Diophantine Equations with Contstraints," by Caleb Bennett, vol. 3

Political Science

"Walking Fearlessly: How Landmines Hamper Mozambican Peace and the Role the International Community could Play to Promote Meaningful Security," by Joshua Snowden, vol. 2

Religious Studies

"Cream, Sugar, and Christianity: An Ethnographic Study of Religion and Coffeehouses in Springfield, Missouri," by Miles Adam Park, vol. 1

And many, many more! Check out our Publish page to browse our free volumes!