Higher Learning Commission

Carrington Hall

What is HLC?

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an independent corporation and is one of seven regional accreditors in the United States. It currently serves 19 states. HLC accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions. HLC is part of the three areas of oversight for U.S. higher education that operate independently: Federal government, the state in which the institution is located and the regional accrediting agency.

Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Missouri State is seeking reaffirmation of accreditation. Missouri State has been continuously accredited since 1915.  We are required to undergo comprehensive evaluations every 10 years.  Our last site visit was 2015. A 4-year assurance review is completed based on an updated assurance argument with evidence—Missouri State’s most recent assurance review occurred in 2020.

We are part of the “open pathway” for the reaffirmation of accreditation. The open pathway requires a “quality initiative project” (QIP) and an assurance argument with evidence across) four criteria. Our last QIP project started in 2022 and a report will be submitted in summer 2025. In the assurance argument, we will demonstrate how Missouri State meets each criterion and its core components. In addition to articulating how the criteria are met, we will also include evidence files for each claim made in the assurance argument.

Missouri State’s next comprehensive evaluation with a site visit is March 30-31, 2026

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The HLC Oversight Committee is preparing for the upcoming HLC accreditation site visit in March 2026. Available information includes meeting agendas/minutes, criterion drafts, and presentations from campus informational meetings.


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Through the HLC Quality Initiative Project (QIP), the University has the opportunity of selecting one major improvement project during the 10-year accreditation cycle. The project typically takes place during years 5 and 9 of the accreditation cycle.

The University's current Quality Initiative Project is focused on Assessing Student Learning in Graduate and Professional Doctorate Programs.