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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Communicate with Elements and Patterns
Images and Videos
Featured imageFeatured videoflickr slideshowMSU photo sliderGuide to image sizingHow to optimize images
Featured image
The featured image component provides a drop shadow behind your image. You may choose not to add a drop shadow, depending on how your image will be used within your layout.

Incorrect use of featured image component
The featured image component is intended to be used with images. If inserting icons/graphics on your page, you will want to insert your icon/graphic as a photo using the WYSIWYG toolbar (with no drop shadow). Below is an example of how the featured image component (standalone) may be used incorrectly:

Featured video
The featured video (standalone) component embeds a video within your content with Missouri State branding applied. Find out how to insert video, with or without the blue drop shadow, on to your page.
Build a featured video in modern campus CMS
MSU photo slider
This component provides a revolving photo carousel. Feature multiple photos or graphics of related items – saving space on your page.