Rules and Regulations for Academic Probation and Suspension

Op3.04-3 Academic Status

This policy applies to undergraduate students based on their undergraduate grade point averages (GPA).

Good Standing

  • A student with both a cumulative Missouri State GPA and a combined (Missouri State and transfer) GPA of at least 2.00 is in good standing (unless they earn a semester GPA of 1.00 or below-see the Academic Probation and Academic Suspension sections below).

Students who are not in good standing will be placed on academic probation or academic suspension.

Academic Probation

  • Any student with a cumulative Missouri State GPA or a combined GPA of less than 2.00 is on academic probation unless placed on academic suspension.
  • Any student with a cumulative Missouri State GPA and a combined GPA of at least 2.00 previously in good standing but who earns a semester GPA 1.00 or lower will be placed on academic probation.

The purpose of academic probation is to remind students that their cumulative academic work is unsatisfactory.  Students on academic probation are encouraged to use University resources to ensure academic success.

  • Academic Probation Impacts:
      • Must have an advisor release prior to registering for classes.
      • May be ineligible for participation in organizations or activities.
      • May be ineligible for financial aid.

Academic Suspension

  • A student on academic probation who fails to earn a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher will be suspended unless they have both a cumulative MSU GPA and a combined GPA of 2.00 or higher at the end of the semester.
  • A student who earns a semester GPA less than 1.00 and has a cumulative Missouri State or combined GPA of less than 2.00 will be suspended unless the dean of the college of the student’s major determines there are circumstances warranting an exception.
  • Students who earn a semester GPA of 1.00 or lower for two consecutive semesters will be suspended, regardless of cumulative MSU GPA or combined GPA, unless the dean determines there are circumstances warranting an exception.

Individual deans establish the process for considering exceptions.

  • Suspension Guidelines:
      • After an initial suspension, students must remain out for at least one full semester (not including summer) to be eligible for reinstatement.
      • Students suspended two or more times must remain out for at least one full year before being eligible for reinstatement.


Reinstatement procedures are determined by the deans and the Office of Admissions. Information regarding the procedure is available from the Office of Admissions. Reinstatement is not an automatic process. Students must be approved for reinstatement by the dean of the college under which they plan to return.

*Students whose last semester of attendance was prior to fall 2010 should refer to the catalog in effect for that semester.

Line of authority

Responsible administrator and office:  Provost

Contact person in that office:  Chief Academic Strategy Officer

Effective date

March 11, 2025

Presidential approval:  March 11, 2025

Other Academic Rules and Regulations

Along with understanding academic status and grade point averages, students need to understand some other important academic rules and regulations. Once you understand these rules and regulations navigating the University and finding your way to academic success can be a lot less confusing. Below are additional academic policies and regulations that provide valuable information.

Repeat policy

Drop and Add or Change of Schedule

Withdrawal from classes

Undergraduate Catalog - Academic Policies and Procedures

Another important piece of information for you to have is how to look up important deadlines each semester. From the website of the Office of the Registrar, you can find important dates and deadlines, also known as the academic calendar. There is a common pattern for each semester and deadlines you should know.

Drop schedule deadlines

You can view a personalized refund schedule and drop deadlines for your class schedule (or a trial schedule) through My Missouri State. The Refund Schedules page has directions on how to access this information.

Tips for Success from Academic Advisors

Advice for students on Academic Probation

  • Repeat courses in which you earned a D or F
  • Create a realistic balance of coursework, study time and other obligations (like work!)
  • Consider taking a slightly lower number of hours (12 - 14) until you are back in Good Academic Standing
  • Talk with a Financial Aid counselor about how your academic status may affect your financial aid
  • Polish up your study habits
  • Make sure your class attendance is stellar