Bear Cave - Student Resource Center

The Mary Jean Price Walls Student Resource Center - The Bear Cave is located on the 1st Floor of the Plaster Student Union across from Starbucks!

  • SRC Entrance

    New SRC Entrance in the PSU

  • Students gathering in old Center

    Students in the Old MRC Annex

  • Mary Jean Price Walls and guests at the MRC

    Mary Jean Price Walls and Guests

The Mary Jean Price Walls Student Resource Center - The Bear Cave houses the office of the Director of the Center, Assistant Director of the Center, Graduate Assistants, and workspaces of student staff!

Hours of operation

Date Time
Monday – Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Open to anyone on campus who may need a quiet space for spiritual or religious practice throughout the day. Whether a Muslim student taking daily prayers, Christian students needing a place for Bible Study, or ceremonies and rituals, our space is open as long as we are.
The Resource Library contains not just fiction and entertainment books, but standardized test prep materials and crafts items for projects and assignments.
Our most popular space in the SRC. Students can hang out, take a break, or study and learn.
Students can use this lab for whatever tech needs they may have, including free black-an-white printing at 4 computers.
The SRC houses 2 quiet spaces. Visitors are always welcome to use these spaces if you need to take a test, meet with someone, or just need a quiet place to be. No reservation needed.
A group study room, which fits up to 7 people and can be reserved for small study groups, meetings, and more. Students can also just walk in and study when they need to.
A small conference room that seats up to 12 with standing room for 6 more. This room can be reserved for meetings and events. It is also has A/V and is capable of doing web conferencing.
The event space hosts mixers, trainings, Student Organization meetings, etc. This space can be reserved and can be configured to your needs.
The SRC Annex has been named in honor of Ms. Mary Jean Price Walls, who received the first honorary undergraduate degree ever given by Missouri State University. In 1950, she was the school’s first African-American applicant, but was denied admission.