Inside Missouri State

All faculty and staff on the Springfield campus receive a weekly employee newsletter called Inside Missouri State. Through it, we hope to keep employees apprised of all major announcements and events, and to build community.

Inside Missouri State is sent on Tuesdays and replaces most campus-wide emails. It is the primary means of communicating with employees on a university-wide level.

Learn more about the university's email policy

What is included in Inside Missouri State?

Inside Missouri State includes:

  • Words of Williams.
  • Academic Expressions.
  • Featured events.
  • Employee wellness events and information.
  • Human resources announcements.
  • Information on university benefits and perks.
  • Information about promotions, new hires, office name changes and retirement receptions.
  • News about faculty and staff accomplishments.

When isn't Inside Missouri State appropriate?

  • Notices that are required by law or policy to be sent to employees will continue to be sent by individual email.
  • Information pertinent only to a certain college, department or division should continue to be sent by existing methods of communication.

Contact with any questions.