Custodians unlock building entry doors Monday-Friday, while Campus Safety Specialists unlock them on the weekend.
Building Unlock Procedures
Campus Safety Specialists lock building entry doors every day. The normal hours for public access to university buildings is 6 a.m. to the ending time of the last scheduled event.
Custodial services leave internal doors as found. They will only lock offices and computer labs, if left unlocked.
When an authorized user forgets their key, a Campus Safety Specialist can unlock a door upon request. The authorized user must be present and show photo ID before the door is unlocked. When an unauthorized user requests access to a locked building/room, it won't happen until there is authorization.
Requesting a building permit
If you need access to an academic building after normal hours, fill out the building permit form. Send it to university safety.
Scheduling to unlock a building
University safety utilizes the EMS Online Reservation System for class/events scheduled. Buildings will be unlocked/locked using the schedule information on EMS.
To ensure a building is unlocked, schedule activities through the scheduling support or the Event and Meeting Services Offices (EMSO). If you need to use a Greenwood Laboratory School facility, schedule through the Greenwood office.
For questions, call 417-836-8444.
Requesting keys
To request a key, visit Key Control.
Facility News